Chapter Twenty-One

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Season 1: Isobel

"Where have you been Isobel?" Alaric whispers. Isobel smiles and shakes her head.

"I don't have any reasons that are gonna comfort you. I don't have any explanations that are gonna satisfy you. I wanted this" Isobel explains. Alaric scoffs at his vampire wife, or ex-wife.

"It was that simple" Alaric frowns.

"Yeah!" Isobel laughs. Alaric felt more and more infuriated. This is his wife that he mourned and searched for, for years, and it was all for nothing. She just appears out of nowhere because she didn't like that him and Elena were looking for her? This is what he gets as a 'reward'. A vampire ex-wife who couldn't give a rats ass about Alaric. "You were suppose to mourn me and move on"

"You were my wife," Alaric hoarse voice murmurs. "And I loved you. How could I not search for you?"

"Because I wasn't lost, Rick" Isobel takes a deep breath and looks over her shoulder at the perky brunette, . She wanted to drink from her. She's never met a human with such a strong blood scent. Isobel faces the bar again and grabs a paper, scribbling her number on it.

"I understand that you know my daughter Elena. And I hear that she's been looking for me. So I want you to arrange a meeting with us" Rosalie notices Alaric at the bar with a dark haired woman. What happened between Jenna and Alaric? Are they not together anymore?

"Excuse me guys, I'll be back" Her friends from school nod and continue their game of pool. Alaric crumples the paper.

"You want deliver a message?" He grumbles.

"Yeah" Isobel smiles.

"Screw you...You selfish bitch" Alaric slaps down a twenty for the drinks and walks away from the bar to drive home. Rosalie chases after him.

"Alaric, hey! Wait!" Alaric glances behind him at Rosalie. "Is everything alright? You seemed pretty upset"

"Rosalie, you remember me talking about my wife...Isobel, right?" Rosalie nods. Alaric and Rosalie walk to Alaric's car. Alaric unlocks the car. "Well, that was her. The girl sitting with me a second ago. She wants me to set up a meeting with Elena, since, uh, Elena's been looking for her too. She doesn't care about anyone, Rosalie. She didn't understand that I loved her and--" Alaric punches his car angrily. Rosalie flinches at the sudden move.

"Alaric, I'm so sorry" She murmurs.

Isobel runs out the bar and stands behind Rosalie and Alaric. Alaric jumps and whips around glaring at Isobel.

"What do you want from me?" Alaric strainly asks.

"I told you"

"I'm not gonna do anything for you" Isobel glances at Rosalie and smirks. She latches her fingers around Rosalie's throat. Alaric goes to shove her, but Isobel tightens her grip, veins flickering beneath her eyes. Alaric pivots.

"You better tell Elena that I want to meet, or I'm gonna start killing the citizens of this town one by one, and I'll start with her" Rosalie gasps for air and claws at Isobel's hand.

"F--Fine! Just let her go!" Alaric begs. Isobel smiles sweetly before throwing Rosalie to the ground and vanishing. Alaric runs to Rosalie and helps her up. Rosalie coughs violently. Next to Rosalie's foot, is the paper Isobel left for Alaric.


Stefan and enter the gym, hand in hand. Elena follows behind them. Rosalie hasn't told Stefan what happened last night and is the reason why she's wearing a turtleneck. Isobel had gotten her good. Bruises formed around her throat overnight and she wanted to keep it a secret. Stefan noticed how her scent was more prominent today.

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