Hayes Imagine for Makensie

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for @duhh_magcon

"Hey Makensie! You need to start getting your soccer gear together!" my mother called up the stairs.

"Alright Mom!" I yelled back.

Okay, I have my jersey, my shorts, two socks, two shin guards, and 1 cleat. WAIT! ONE CLEAT? Where could it be? I always keep my cleats on the shoe rack in my closet. How can you lose one cleat?! Come on!

"Let's go! It's time for us to get you to your game!" mom yelled.

"I can't find my cleat!"

"Down stairs!" she replied.

How. On. Earth.

I ran down the stairs and found my cleat under the television stand. I walked to the car and opened the passenger side door. I set the bag I had prepared down on the floor in front of me and looked at my siblings. My brother and sister were already in the car fooling around with some toys they decided to bring. I climbed into the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt.

"Safety first kids." I said in a manly tone of voice.

"Guess what Makensie!" my brother said louder than he should have.

"What Noah?" I laughed.

"Today during school I made a new friend named Skylynn. She told me she liked ponies a lot. She has three older step brothers. Will, Nash, and Hayes. Will is the oldest, Nash is second, and then Hayes is your age. She said she might be at school today so I might be able to play with her!" he rambled.

"Awe, does wittle Noah have a cwush?" I asked in a baby tone.

"Noooooo, he's in loooooove!" Ash my little sister cried out.

"No I'm not guys!" he pouted.

Finally mom got in the car and we were off.


I walked into my school and headed to the girls locker room to change into my outfit.

"Hello Makensie!" some girls cheered.

"Hey girls!" I called out.

I set my bag on the bench and started to take off my shirt, revealing my purple sports bra. I opened my bag and put on my jersey top. (A/N: In the locker room at my school we have to change in front of all the girls...sorry if you don't...) I took off my shoes and shorts and put on my soccer shorts. I took out my socks and shin guards, and put those on. Finally I got to my cleats. I slid my foot in them and tied the laces. Did I mention I was the captain of the team? They voted me because most of the other girls were fighting for it. Turns out they were fine with it! They actually accept me.

"Alright girls, all I have to say is that I want you to try your best today. I know this team has some skills, but we can do this! On three!" We all put our hands in. "One, two, three!"

"GO TEAM!" We all screamed.

The coach was waiting for us on the field.

"Warm up's girls!" I yelled starting a line.


When we finished warm ups, I asked the coach to run over to my mom and get my Gatorade. I ran over and she was talking to a women I didn't recognize.

"Oh Elizabeth, that was a great story!" she laughed.

"Hey mom! Do you have my Gatorade?" I asked politely. What? I have to act sweet in front of my moms new friend!

"Yes hon. Hold on." She said getting her purse. She pulled out my drink and I sprinted back to the bench.

"Captains please!" the ref yelled.

"Alright, Makensie and Emma please go!" Coach said.

We ran to the refs. We shook hands with the them, the other Captains and the refs told us the rules.

"Okay, heads gets ball first. Tails gets to choose what side they start on. So, Makensie heads or tails?" The women asked.

"Uh, tails please!"

"Alright." she said before flipping the coin.

As the coin spun in the air I looked over at my mother and her new friend. I saw Noah and Ash playing with the little girl named Skylynn and this boy who looks around my age. I that might be Hayes? Not really sure.

"Mak, come on!" Emma said.

"Sorry!" I laughed.

Turns out we got to choose what side. We chose the side farthest away from our bench first. It's just easier that way.

~~~~~~~~~~~~After the Soccer Game~~~~~~~~~~~~

Alright, we won. But by one goal. We scored at the last minute. Thank gosh! And guess who scored the winning goooooaaaaallll...?? ME!

I was so happy! I ran over to my mom hoping we could get some ice cream.

"Hey honey! You did great!" she smiled.

"You did fabulous out there! Congrats on scoring the winning goal!" Elizabeth grinned.

"Elizabeth and her family just moved next door. They came to check out the playground and noticed a soccer game. Her youngest son is over there with Skylynn her daughter." Mom explained.

"Well it's nice to meet you Elizabeth!" I smiled sticking my hand out for her to shake. She shook it and smiled again.

"Makensie, why don't you go play with your brother and Skylynn for now?" mom suggested.

"Okay mom!"

I ran toward Noah and Skylynn. I ran behind Noah and tries to scare him.

"Boo!" I laughed as I tickled him.

"Sissy!" he giggled wrapping his arms around my torso.

"Hey Noah! And you must be Skylynn?" I asked the blonde haired girl.

"Yes ma'am! And this is my older brother Hayes." she giggled.

"Well it's nice to meet you Skylynn!" I smiled.

I stood up and walked toward this Hayes guy.

"Hey, I'm Makensie. And it seems as though our siblings have hit it off pretty well." I giggled.

"Hey. My name is Hayes. Hayes Grier." he smiled putting his phone into my hands.

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