Cameron Dallas Imagine for Hailey

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for MrsOneDirection1027

Sitting in class, with my books on one side of my desk, and my pen in the crease of the desk. School is boring. Well, unless some new kid comes in, or some new teacher happens to be the new teacher. And yet again, nothing exciting happens in first period, or second, or third...and guess what happened in fourth?! Nothing! Surprise.

"Alright class. I have something very serious to tell you all. I'm going to be retiring." Mr. Dick said.

To be completely honest, everyone thinks he's the best teacher in the world. He makes this learning process fun. Everyone in the room whined, one girl cried.

"Why are you retiring? Your the only good teacher in this place!" Someone complained.

"I'm getting old. I can't work my whole life!" he laughed.

"I'll miss you Mr. Dick." I smiled.


Well, Mr. Dick has retired. Now we have a new eighth period teacher. I have an idea of how I want him to be. Younger, awkward-ish, and some what attractive. That would be nice. Like always classes weren't interesting until I got to lunch. I sat with my sandwich, and my juice waiting for Hillary. She has the new teacher fourth period so she's going to probably talk all about him.

"Hey Hailey! The new teacher is so hot! Like you don't understand." she rambled.

"I have him next period. I seriously can not wait to see him." I laughed.

"He's really nice."

"I'm gonna be the mean person I am and mess with him." I smirked.

"Good luck. He said to our class if we pull anything that he wouldn't hesitate to keep us after school." she said.

"Your joking. You think I'm scared of a new teacher?" I raised an eyebrow. That was a good one. I hope she doesn't actually think I'm going to be scared over a new teacher!

"Just be careful Hail, I don't know what he would do." she shrugged.


The bell rang over head just as I finished my lunch. Oh goody. Time to mess with the newbie. I felt myself smirk as I said that. Wow, that's kinda creepy. I walked into the classroom and sat in my seat waiting for the second bell to ring. The newbie walked in and sat at "his" desk. I miss Mr. Dick already.

"Alright, uh. I'm going to go around the room and you are each going to tell me something about yourself. I'll start," he started. "I'm Cameron Dallas. You all call me Mr. Dallas. I wanted to become a teacher because I had nothing better to do."

The next person started, "I'm Geanie, and I like reading." You get the point. Then it was my turn. What am I supposed to say?

"I'm Hailey. And I like the band 5 Seconds of Summer." I stated.

"They should have been called 5 Seconds of Stupid. You should listen to Eminem instead. He can actually sing." some kid named Evan said.

"Guess what Evan! M&M is a candy. Not a rapper." I replied rudely. Everyone in the class 'oooohhhhhhed' I turned back around in my seat and looked at Cameron. (Mr. Dallas.) Honestly, I'm going to call him Cameron. Mr. Dallas doesn't sound right. Wow, I have the sudden urge to have to pee. Like really bad.

"Cameron can I please go to the bathroom?" I questioned. Some kids turned their heads to look at me because I called him Cameron instead of Mr. Dallas.

"No, we are going to start our lesson now." he replied.

"Would you like me to pee on your desk?" I smirked. He just kinda looked at me after I said that.

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