Nash Grier Imagine for Vickie

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Sorry, it's been a while. I've been having some family/ school related problems lately. I will be writing more frequently. My mother's boyfriend's house doesn't have wifi right now, so when I'm there I can't upload. But I promise I will update a little more. Leave some requests on this chapter! I will do two or three.


"Nash, what are we going to do this summer?" I asked my best friend. Right now we were randomly talking about what we are going to do this summer. We don't plan until the last minute. I guess you could say we are...very...unorganized.

"I don't know Vickie. Remember, I have Magcon." Nash replied.

"But Nash...what am I going to do? I won't have you, so I won't have anyone." I whispered.

"Hey, Vickie, it will be okay." he tried.

"No it won't Nash. I wanted this summer to be fun. I wanted to spend it with my best friend. When you leave I won't see you in person for about a month."

"I'm sorry Vick. I have to leave for dinner. I'll talk to you tomorrow morning." he replied getting up. He walked over to the door, putting on his red Vans.

After he left, I had nothing to do. Sometimes I wish I could just follow him around one day. Especially when he goes to Magcon. He doesn't understand that I have nobody else. Only him. Only Nash. Nash Grier is my best friend. The only thing I have left. I wish I knew where my parents were. They could be dead. They could be living in a really nice house, living better lives than what I have. I live in a house. All alone. And yes, I'm only 16, but I pay the bills fine. I make just enough money, plus some extra, to pay everything. Nash's family is basically my family.

It's only me, and this house for now. Nash leaves in 3 days. I won't see him for a month. I know. It doesn't sound like much to you. But if he was the only thing you have for family, and he had to leave you, and you were lonely, for one month. It would hurt you to.

I finally decided I would go to sleep, because I have nothing better to do. I showered before bed because it helps me sleep better. I put on my superman shorts and a white tank top. I brushed my teeth and hair. Took off the make up that was running down my face because of the shower. Then I got under the covers of my bed, and soon fell asleep.


"So Vickie, who's your crush?" the boys taunted.

"I-I....uh." I stuttered.

"Well, we have to know! It's Truth or Dare!" Matt yelled.

"I don't have one in this room?"

That was more of a question. Woohoo! Score- One to nothing me! Ha ha. Damn I hate my life.

"Why was that more of a question than an actual answer?" Nash asked.

" Wh-I-uh." I stuttered trying to find the right words.

"Whatever, don't answer. Now we all have to assume that you like each one of us since we don't know." Nash replied.

"You know what Nash. I LIKE YOU! No, scratch that, I.LOVE.YOU! But I didn't want to ruin OUR friendship." I said.

I walked over to the shoe rack. Put on my black vans, and ran out the door. Sprinting till I couldn't anymore.

"Vickie!" Nash screamed behind me.

"Get away! I hate you." I screamed.

"No, you love me. I hate you." he whispered to me.

"N-Nash." I cried.

End of Dream

I jumped awake, eyes wide. Cold sweat was running down my face. I wiped it away, breathing heavily. I couldn't help but cry. The fact that I had that dream must mean something. I looked at my clock and it read 2:00 a.m. I call Nash, still crying. I just couldn't stop.

"Vickie? Why are you calling at two in the morning?" he asked in his tired voice.

"I ne-ed to t-talk t-to you." I sobbed.

"Oh my god. Vickie! I'll be over in five." he whisper-yelled.

All I did was cry. I know it was just a dream, but I can't believe it was something like that. The door opened and Nash walked in. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around my body.

"It was horrible. I-I...y-y-yo-you don't h-hate m-me do you?" I mumbled into his chest.

"No, I love you. You know that. That's why I called Bart today. He said you could come to Magcon with me."

"Nash! Your the best! Thank you so much!"

The Day of Magcon

Nash's P.O.V.

I'm finally going to ask her. I can't wait. I'm going to ask her in front of all the boys and fans. On stage. I wonder how she will react? More importantly, I wonder what she is going to say?

Vickie's P.O.V.

I was getting ready for Magcon. I showered. Brushed my teeth. And my hair. I dressed in a pair of tribal print shorts and a pink V - neck. My makeup consisted of liquid liner and mascara.

"Nash...are you ready?" I asked walking out of the bathroom.

"I've been ready. The real question is....are you ready?" he laughed.

"Yeah lets go." I smiled.

___20 Minutes Later___

"I'd like to call my best friend Vickie to the stage for a brief minute." Nash announced.

Oh no. Whats this gonna be? I walked onto stage and the fans started going nuts.

'We wanna be you Vickie!'


'We love you Vickie!' Were heard around the crowd.

"Hey guys!" I screamed.

"Okay, so Vickie, I have a very important question to ask you." Nash said into his mic.

"Ask away!" I smiled.

"I think you are the prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on. You and I have known each other for about eight years and have been best friends since. I can't imagine my life without you. Without you, every moment of my life would be dull. I don't think you understand how amazing I think you are. So I wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend? Because I love you." he finished.

"Oh Nash, I love you to." I whispered jumping into his arms and hugging him tight.


Remember, leave some requests!

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