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because I said I was gonna end the story nobody requests anymore. I mean come on. I don't wanna continue this story if nobody is gonna read it..or request. Another thing is, when a person does request they want me to make up the plot myself. That's not how it works in my book, even if some of you are angry at this. You request with a plot to because if you don't then I won't write it.

I simply said that all you need to request with is what you look like and what you want as a plot and the boy you want to be in it.

So from now on this shall be the requesting page so I can get the imagines you want and write some. I may just end the book if nobody is gonna give me any requests.




That's all I want now. So please request because if you don't i'm not gonna write anymore..

thanks loves xx

Magcon Imagines ♥Where stories live. Discover now