Author's Note

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Thank you for reading my story. And a big thank you to anyone who has followed me over from


This is mature content (with a capital M). Contains strong language, horny demons, sexual situations, a nerdy protagonist, fluffy romance, and violence.

Copyright © 2014 

No translations or reproductions. I do not own the image for the book cover. 

Sneak Peek: 

A large, rough hand stroked from her shoulder to her lower back. She could feel the soft drag of claws, sending chills up her skin.

"So soft," he all but growled.

Victoria bit her lip, she had the strong urge to turn around and face him, to touch him too. What the hell was happening to her? She should be terrified, not...not aroused. "Sebastian?"

He reached around her, making her jump with surprise. Tugging gently on her arms he maneuvered them to her sides, her hands resting over her thighs. "Keep your hands where they are and don't move," he commanded.

Her heart slammed in her chest. What was he going to do?

Sebastian leaned in closer, his muscular chest pressing against her back, all hard planes and hot skin. He felt like heaven.

"I want to taste you," he said huskily.

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