Chapter 5

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Chanel's POV

I took my mom in a room to apologize, everybody didn't need to know that I cursed at her. My mom looked really bad. I mean her eyes were puffy and red and she didn't look like a happy camper. I really feel bad now. Well, kind of.

"Ma, I'm sorry for disrespecting you in your house." I said.

"Are you saying this because you wanted to say it or did your father tell you to say that?" she asked.

Damn, she knows me already.

"At first because he said to but I do feel bad." I said honestly.

"Come here." she said as she hugged. "I'm sorry for every hurt that I caused you."

"Mom, you don't have to keep saying it." I said.

"I know but still." she said.

"So am I forgiven?" I asked.

"Yes, but you need to fix your language." she said.

"I know, it's a habit." I said.

"You hungry?" she asked me as we left out the room.

"Uhm, Dad already gave me ice cream but I can eat." I said as we arrived in in the living room.

"Shawn!" she said. "You gave her ice cream?"

How did I get him in trouble already? My bad.

"It was frozen yogurt." he said.

She just shook her head and we headed towards the kitchen. I guess Damien saw where we were going because he was right behind us.

"Greedy ass." I said under my breath. "Ow!"

I just got plucked. What the hell?

"I told you to break that habit." she said.

Damien was laughing so I punched him.

"Don't be hitting him either." she said and Damien laughed more.

She plucked him as well.

"Don't laugh at her." she said.

I had a satisfied smirk on my face as my mom asked us what we wanted to eat. Now, I'm not the smartest in the world but I swore she couldn't cook.

"Uhm can you cook?" I asked

"Yes, I can." she said.

"Since when?" I asked.

"Don't ask questions, what y'all want?" she asked.

Me and Damien looked at each other and I needed confirmation. I hopped out of the seat and ran into the living room.

"Grandma! Can mom cook?" I yelled.

"She's okay." she said.

"Like end up sick at night okay or okay I won't die." I said.

They started laughing but I was dead serious. I didn't find anything funny.

"Just eat it baby you will be okay and have no stomach problems." she said.

I nodded my head and headed back towards the kitchen. My mom and Damien were sitting and waiting.

"So what's your best dish?" I asked.

"Sphegetti it is." she said.

"Grandma! Sphegetti?" I yelled out.

"That's fine!" she yelled back.

"Okay, we'll have that." I said

My mom looked at me and shook her head. She talked to me and Damien as she cooked. She looked like she knew what she was doing but we will see when I try this out.

She made Sphegetti with garlic bread and salad. Now I knew the salad would be fine but I don't know about the rest. She finally handed us our plates and I guess she was awaiting my review or something. I got a fork and said a prayer. I started twisting the Sphegetti around stalling for time.

"Stop playing with your food." she said.

"Okay." I said.

I looked at Damien and he was murdering it but that don't count because that boy will eat anything. I picked up the fork and began to eat and I must say. If she can't cook anything she got Sphegetti down. She put mushrooms and peppers in this joint. Oh my god, it was bomb.

"Mom, if you can't cook nothing you can make Sphegetti." I said.

"Well thanks for that back handed complement." she said.

"You're welcome." I said.

I started looking at the time and it was getting late.

"Hey mom, we gotta go it's getting late." I said.

"Where y'all going?" she asked confused.

"We got a hotel." I told her.

She looked at me like I had seven heads.

"Y'all are staying here. Why do you have a hotel anyway?" she asked.

"Well to be honest I wasn't sure if I was gonna like you." I said laughing.

"I don't care if you didn't like me you wouldn't be staying in a hotel so cancel it." she said.

I agreed and she showed us were we would be sleeping. They had so many rooms in this house or condo or whatever. I took one room and Damien took the next. After I got out of the shower I was just chilling in the room. I heard a knock on the door and told them to come in. It was Damien.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'm good. You good, I know that's a lot to take in on one day." he said.

"Yeah its a lot but my mom and grandma are the same as when they left. I feel like they were never gone." I said. "I thought I knew how much I missed her but I didn't until today."

"Well I'm happy you got your family back Shawty." he said smiling.

"Please don't start calling me Shawty again." I said laughing.

"I'll call you whatever I want." he said. "How's your dad?"

"He's too cool." I said with my face beaming.

"I can tell. I have never seen you this happy and I'm glad you got your family back." he said hugging me.

"Me too, thank you for coming with me." I said.

"You thought I was gonna let you come by yourself." he said. "I had to meet the rest of my family too."

"Boy bye!" I said. "Leave before my dad comes in here. He don't know you like that."

"Whatever Shawty, I'm out!" he said.

When Damien left my room I watched some TV but I was getting bored. I wonder if my parents are awake. If feels really crazy saying that now, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I went down the hall in my YMCMB t-shirt, some red Jordan shorts and footies. I went and knocked on their door to see what they were doing. My dad answered the wearing black T and some basketball shorts. Oh, but wait durag, I had to laugh. On the inside anyway.

"Hey Chanel, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, but I was bored." I said. "What are y'all doing?"

"About to go to sleep, what you should be doing." He said laughing.

"Can I sleep with you guys?" I asked.

"Bey, you think we should let her sleep in here?'' he asked as he opened the door wider.

"Yeah, she aight!" she said.

"Why the hell y'all bed so big." I said as I climbed up on it.

My mom was just about to hit me before I jumped out the way.

"Okay, I'm sorry." I said.

I was sitting on the far left side in fear of being plucked or hit again.

"Girl, you need to get in the middle, you can't be all up on my side." He said.

I reluctantly moved to the middle of the bed and I just sat there with both my parents. Damn, this is weird but I love it. We sat there and watched TV, we were watching some random movie but by the time I hit the pillow I was asleep.

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