Damien's POV
2 weeks Later...
I would be lying if I said I've made an effort, well half lying I have been to class enough to where I have a C. I still skip every now and then. Dancing just isn't for me and I'm not gonna be in no tights. That's never gonna happen. I was walking down the hall of school and walked straight pass the dance room. I was walking to the gym when I spotted DJ running towards me.
"What's up." I said.
"Nothing much." He said dapping me up.
"Where you heading to?" He asked.
"The gym." I said.
"Don't you have dance." He said.
I looked at him and he knew what I was saying.
"Exactly don't you have a dance class?" I heard as I turned around.
It was Mrs. Allen.
"Yeah and that's exactly where I was going." I said with a nervous smile.
"Not without this, you too DeAndre." She said.
She handed us both warning slips but when I looked down it said parent signature. I caught up with her before she walked away.
"Wait, I have to get this signed?" I asked.
"Yes and bring it back to me tomorrow." She said and walked away.
I sighed and looked at the paper. DJ came up behind me.
"Man, it's just a warning." He said.
"Tell that to my parents." I said as I walked to that stupid dance class.
*Later that night*
I still have not given her the note. I decided to wait until she put Blue to bed to give it to her. I was feeling nervous, or you could call it fear. I knocked on her door and she told me to come in. She was sitting on the bed watching TV. She seemed calm and relaxed maybe this was a good time. I walked in and sat on the foot of the bed.
"I have something for you to sign." I said.
She looked at me with her eyebrow raised and I handed her the note. I looked towards the TV as I heard her open the note, I also heard her sigh which made me want to keep looking at the television. I saw the television go off so I turned and looked at her.
"Damien, why did you get this?" She asked.
"Because I was going to the gym." I said.
"And where were you supposed to be?" She asked me.
"Dance class." I said.
"You skipping again?" She asked with her eyebrow raised.
I didn't say anything.
"Damien!" She said.
"Yes." I said.
She looked at me and laughed like she couldn't believe what I was saying.
"You know what, I've been over and over this with you and I'm not going to tell you anymore." She said. "Go wait in your room."
She said it like she just dismissed me. I got up and went to my room. I laid in my bed and dozed off.
Shawn's POV
I walked into the house. It was late but that's how the studio goes. I was expecting Bey to be asleep but when I walked in the room she wasn't sleep, looked a little upset to me. I know she not mad at me.
"Hey babe, what's wrong?" I asked as I walked towards her.
"Damien." She said.
I sighed and sat down on the bed.
"What happened now?" I asked.
"He's still skipping that damn dance class." She said.
"How you know?" I asked as I took off my jacket.
She tossed me some note and I opened it.
"He got caught." She said.
"What did you do?" I asked.
"Nothing, I'm done. I've told him time and time again. I'm out of suggestions." She said. "Go scare him or something."
"Scare him?" I said.
"Yes, you've done it before." She said.
I sighed and gave her the note back. I took off my shirt and just had on a black tank. I turned and looked at her.
"I look scary?" I asked her mugging up my face.
"Shawn be serious." She said.
"Fine." I said.
Nothing like scaring someone out of their sleep. I put my shirt and jacket back on and I walked into his room and saw him asleep. I immediately woke him up and turned on his light. He moved but didn't wake up.
"Get up." I said and nudged his arm.
"What?" I heard.
"You heard me." I said. "Put on some sneakers and a jacket."
He was laying there.
"Boy!" I said as I grabbed his shirt and now he was standing on his own two feet. "Get dressed."
He went in his closet got his shoes and jacket.
"Where we going?" He asked.
"Just come with me and keep your mouth shut." I said.
We went to the garage of the building and got in the car. I drove to the cemetery and he was starting to look scared. I parked and I told him to get out the car as I opened the door. When I got out I saw him still in the car.
"Boy, get your ass out the car." I said.
He got out and just stood there.
"Follow me." I said as we walked through the cemetery.
I went up to a certain plot and I stood there, Damien was beside me.
"You know who this is." I said.
He nodded his head.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Your dad." He said.
"Your right." I said. "You know why I brought you here?"
"No." He said.
"I brought you here because this was a man that I looked up to until everything in my family fell apart and he left. I didn't have anyone to teach me how to be a man. I had to do it myself and in the beginning I didn't do a good job." I said. "You want to teach yourself to be a man?"
"I don't know how." He mumbled.
"Huh? What you say?" I asked.
"I don't know how." He said.
"Well if you don't get your act together you’re gonna have to." I said. "You know why?"
"Why?" He asked.
"Because you don't like to listen to nobody." I said. "You want to do it your way and where has that gotten you?"
"Nowhere." He said.
"Exactly." I said. "What did I tell you 2 weeks ago?"
"To get my stuff together." He said.
"And what did you do?" I asked.
"I didn't." He said.
"So what do you think is gonna happen when you get back in the house?" I said.
"I'm punished." He said.
"Yeah, but that would be too easy." I said.
We started walking back to the car and got in. I started driving back to the house and went in the garage to park. When we went in the house I told him to go wait in his room.
"Please, I'm sorry I promise to go to all the classes I have for dance, please." He said with fear in his eyes.
"I told you there are consequences so go wait in the room." I said.
After he went in his room I went to my closet. Damn, the boy basically crying already and I haven't touched him yet. I went back in his room and he was sitting down on his bed. This lil nigga thought he was slick and switched his sweat pants to jeans. I told him to pull his jeans down and he had on basketball shorts and my belt went to work. Damn this boy soft, after 5 licks he was calling for Bey.
"Now if I hear you skipping again it's gonna be worse because your mother is gonna handle you." I said as I walked out the room and left him crying.
I went back into my room and took a quick shower before I joined Bey and went to sleep.

FanfictionWhat happens when you try to do the right thing and hide your child from the spotlight but things go completely left. Check it out! Comment, rate, do whatever let me know you feeling it.