Shawn's POV
"Hello" I answered.
"Daddy, somebody wants to talk to you." Chanel said.
"Hello, are you Chanel's father?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm her father." I said.
Bey looking at me like what the hell is going on?
"Your daughter seemed to be in an altercation." he said.
"Was she in a fight?" I asked surprised.
Bey's eyes almost popped out of her head.
"I wouldn't call it a fight." he said. "We have on film that she punched a student and fled the scene."
It took so much in me not to laugh. She put someone to sleep.
"Am I gonna have to pick her up?" I asked.
"Yes, because she won't admit she did it." he said.
"Okay, could you put her on the phone?" I asked.
I heard some shuffling.
"Chanel, what did you do?" I asked.
"Nothing." she said lowly.
"Then why do we have to come get you?" I asked.
Whole time Bey is trying to get the phone.
"You know what? You mother wants to speak to you." I said as I gave Bey the phone.
"Chanel Nicole Knowles, what did you do and you better not lie." she said.
Ouch! Full name, sad to say I know she punched that girl and the girl probably provoked her. Now I gotta drive back to the school and I know Bey is going with.
Bey was pissed in the car that Chanel didn't tell her anything. We arrived in the school both wearing hats trying to be incognito. We told the lady in the office we were there to see the principal and she lead us to his office. When we walked in we saw the girl and her parents and Chanel. I looked at Chanel and she didn't look worried. Looking at that girl's face no wonder she was sleeping.
"Now that we're all here we can began." the principal said. "Here's the footage."
He played the footage and how the hell she gonna deny that? We know it's her. He stopped the tape and looked at Chanel.
"Miss. Knowles I'm going to ask you one more time. Did you hit that girl?" he asked.
"I don't know what you're talking about." she said.
The principal just shook his head.
"Chanel, don't lie to me." I said looking at her. "I know you hit that girl, the question is why?"
She looked around for a minute before she answered.
"She threw something at me and said I was with Beyoncé and Jay Z for charity because I don't have parents then she called my family crazy and my mom a wig snatching bitch and said she didn't have my sister." she said.
"I didn't call your mom a bitch, I called Beyoncé a bitch." the girl said.
I know Chanel socked her in the eye but is this girl blind.
"Say it again." Chanel said standing up from the chair.
"Calm down Chanel." Bey said putting her hand on her shoulder.
Bey took off her hat and shades and looked at the girl.
"You really shouldn't call people out of their names." Bey said.
That girl face was priceless.
"So is she getting suspended?" Bey asked.
"Uhm, usually she would but under the circumstances that she was provoked will do 2 days of in-school suspension." he said.
"So is that it?" I asked.
"Yes, you can sign her out at the front desk." he said.
We stood to leave and let the girl and her parents go first. When we got in the truck I started the car but didn't go no where.
"Where'd you put the other hoodie?" I asked as I looked at her through the rear view mirror.
"Wouldn't you like to know." she said with a sly grin and I turned around in the seat.
"We seriously gonna have to have a talk about this because you can't keep fighting. I'm serious." Bey said.
"But they were talking about you." she said.
"Look, I'm glad that you want to stick up for me like that but you can't do it that way." she said.
"Okay." Chanel said and nodded.
"And another thing, what did you take out that girl pocket." Bey asked.
"Nothing." Chanel said.
"Oh really." Bey said raising her eyebrow.
"It was only five bucks. Broke chick." Chanel said. "You want it?"
I just shook my head and drove off.

FanfictionWhat happens when you try to do the right thing and hide your child from the spotlight but things go completely left. Check it out! Comment, rate, do whatever let me know you feeling it.