Chapter 33 part 1

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Beyoncé’s POV

"So how's everything?" Kelly asked.

I was talking on the phone with her as I was cleaning up the house. I had Blue sitting on the couch with a couple of toys to keep her busy and the TV. 

 "Well Damien had a cavity so Shawn took him today to get that filled. Chanel's been fine and Blue is fine. She can stand but were gonna see if she can walk by thanksgiving." I said.

 "Awe, my boo gonna be walking." Kelly said.

 "We hoping." I said as I looked over at Blue.

 "Well it's gonna be awhile till I see y'all again." She said. "I'll probably see y'all on thanksgiving."

 "What you promoting?" I asked.

 "I gotta do my video and three others." She said.

 "Whose?" I asked.

 "Future, Ludacris and Big Boi." She said.

 "Future, that's that I'm looking for dude right?" I asked.

 "Yeah, how you know?" She asked.

 "Chanel be playing it." I said. "Well I know you busy so I'll let you go."

 "Don't worry come next year you gonna be busy too." She said.

 "How you know?" I asked.

 "A bird told me." She said laughing. "I'll call you later."

 "Okay, later Kells." I said.

 "Alright Bey." She said and hung up.

 I put the phone down and headed towards the kitchen to finish the dishes from this morning. I ended up on the phone with my mom, Solange and Michelle. I checked on Blue and she had fallen asleep so I put her in the crib. Michelle was telling me stuff she was doing for her album next year. It's funny but all of us will have an album out sometime next year, we're gonna be busy. While I was vacuuming with my music playing Chanel walked through the door and went towards the kitchen. Why do these kids eat so damn much? She came out the kitchen eating a pop tart dropping crumbs on my freshly clean carpet. I turned the vacuum off.

 "Uh, excuse you." I said.

 "Oh, hey ma." She said smiling my way.

 "Uhm, your dropping crumbs on my carpet." I said.

 She looked back at the floor and then looked at me and smiled.

 "Sorry." She said.

 "Yeah." I said nodding my head and starting the vacuum again.

 She went towards her room as I finished. You know what? They gonna be mad when I really start working again and I won't be here cleaning. They'll probably be living like animals in the zoo. I heard the phone ring so I had to stop what I was doing to answer it.

 "Hello." I answered.

 "Hey Bey, was they supposed to give this boy laughing gas or just numb him." Shawn asked.

 "Well I thought laughing gas. What did they do?" I asked.

 "They numbed him and now he’s kind of out of it." He said.

 "Where y'all at?" I asked.

 "Downstairs about to get out the car." He said. "I was giving you a heads up."

 "He can't be that out of it." I said.

 "Okay." He said laughing and hung up.

 I hung up the phone and put the vacuum up. I went to check on Blue and she was up. I got her out of the crib. 

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