Beyoncé's POV
"So where you taking Chanel?" Shawn asked as we were getting dressed.
"Shopping." I said.
"Awe, you tryna butter her up before you go in with the talk." He said. "No fair."
"So." I said. "Where you taking Damien?"
"A game then we'll talk afterwards." He said.
I shook my head.
"You doing the same thing." I said.
"Boys are easier." He said. "Throw him some condoms and its done."
I looked at him shocked and he started laughing.
"I'm joking." He said. "I'm going to talk to him."
I nodded my head. I don't want to have this talk but it don't matter, it has to be done. I went to get Blue and she was already dressed. I went in Chanel's room and told her to come on.
"Where we going?" She asked.
"Shopping." I said.
She nodded her head and put her shoes on. I went in the living room to wait for her. She was finally ready and we left. I took her everywhere she wanted to go. Forever 21, some exclusive sneaker places, some designer stuff, she seemed really happy until we got to dinner.
"Okay." She said when we sat down at the restaurant . "What's the real reason you took me shopping."
"I need a reason to take you shopping?" I asked.
"Like you did today, yes." She said. "What you leaving early for the tour or something?"
"No." I said.
The waiter came and asked for drink orders. Blue already had her sippy cup and Chanel was just looking at me.
"So what was this shopping spree for?" She asked.
"We need to talk about something I know you don't want to talk about." I said.
"Is this the sex talk again?" She asked.
"Yes." I said laughing.
"Okay, go ahead." She said and sighed.
The waiter came back and sat down the drinks and we ordered our food.
"Tell me what you know?" I said after I took a sip of my drink.
"Health class version or real world version?" She asked.
I laughed.
"Your choice." I said.
"Aight." She said. "Okay, when you feeling someone, and in my opinion your husband or boyfriend for a minuet, and you wanna take the next emotional step you have intercourse."
I nodded as she laughed.
"Do you think it's emotional or physical?" I asked.
"Both but probably more emotional." She said.
"And your right." I said. "Depending on who you chose for that first time means a lot. It messes up a lot of girls."
"Who was your first time?" She asked.
I rolled my eyes as laughed.
"The man I married." I said as the waiter came with the food.
"How old were you?" She asked.
I sighed.
"Does it really matter?" I asked feeding Blue.
She just looked at me.
"How old are you?" I asked as I ate a fry.
"15." She said.
"Go back 15 years plus 7 months." I said.
As I feed Blue I saw her doing the calculations in her head and I laughed. She had the nerve to bring out the calculator on her phone. She looked at me.
"You were young." She said.
"Exactly." I said. "And I don't want you to do what I did. I don't regret what I did because I have you but I don't recommend having a child that young."
She nodded.
"I might have been physically ready and mostly emotionally but in the mist we didn't use a condom and that was stupid but it happened." I said.
She nodded.
"And I know I can tell you to wait until marriage but I'm not stupid." I said. "You have hormones running and all I ask is that you really think but sex can lead to STD and a baby and if your not ready to deal with either of them I suggest you don't do it...But if you do, use protection."
"Okay." She said.
"Don't take this as a green light to get buck wild." I said.
"I'm not." She said. "I'm not even thinking of sex."
"And don't listen to whoever the boy is." I said. "Put the condom on yourself and look at it-
"Ma, I get it." She said.
"Too much?" I asked.
"A little." She said and we laughed.
"Okay, I just want to make sure you get it."I said.
"I get it." She said.
"And in the future if you get a lil boyfriend and you feel you wanna take that step I don't care if I'm in the country or out the country please talk to me first, please." I said.
"I will mommy." She said.
"I'm serious." I said.
"I promise mommy, I'll talk to you first." She said smiling.
I grabbed her face and looked at her.
"Know I'm telling you this because I love you and I'm glad that you accept me as your mother after all those years." I said.
"Of course mommy." She said. "The past is the past. I don't care no more."
"Awe, my baby's growing up." I said laughing.
"Ma." She said whining. "Can you let go of my face now."
"No." I said.
"I'm still hungry." She said laughing.
I nodded my head, kissed her and we went back to eating and talking about random things. That talk wasn't that bad.
Shawn's POV
"What up Jay." Lebron said after the game.
"Wassup." I said dapping him up. "Good game."
"Thanks." He said.
"What you doing after this?" He asked.
"Dinner with Damien." I said.
I looked around and saw him taking a picture with Dwayne.
"Damien!" I yelled and he looked over.
"Oh alright." He said.
"I'll get up with you next time you in town." I said.
"Alright then." He said as I dapped him up and he walked away.
I saw him dap up Damien as he walked over to me.
"You ready?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said.
We was walking out.
"Where you wanna go eat?" I asked.
"Juniors." He said.
I nodded my head as security led us out and we got in the maybach and went to Juniors. They set up a private table for us in the back. They took our drink orders and food orders.
"So." I said.
"So." He said.
"So, your mom wants me to have a talk with you." I said.
"Is this the sex thing again?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said laughing. "You haven't done anything, right?"
The waiter came back with our drinks and Damien took a sip of his.
"Well define doing anything." He said.
"Anything sexual." I said.
"Yeah." He said.
I sighed, dammit.
"When?" I asked.
"When I had just turned 14 and was talking to this girl." He said.
"How old was she?" I asked.
"16." He said smiling.
I laughed.
"Did you even know what you was doing?" I asked.
"Uh yeah." He said.
I just looked at him.
"Okay, no." He said.
I shook my head.
"Did you use protection?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said. "I was extra tight, I don't need no kids right now."
"Smart, but what would have happened if it broke?" I asked.
He just sat and looked like he was thinking.
"I didn't think of that." He said.
"I know." I said sipping my drink. "You gotta think of all the outcomes when sex comes in to play. Basically all the what ifs."
He nodded.
"Are you sexually active now?" I asked.
"No, that was my only time." He said. "But those girls in that school."
"What they doing?" I asked.
"Basically tryna get chose." He said laughing.
I shook my head.
"Do you entertain them?" I asked.
"Yeah cause it's funny but it stops there." He said. "I'm not trying to get with any of them."
"Okay but next time whenever you bout to get down like that think if you really want a kid right now." I said.
He nodded.
"I'm foreal." I said. "Make sure you stay strapped and don't fall for that I'm birth control and think with the right head."
"Okay." He said. "I gotcha dad."
"When your mother asked did you lie to her?" I asked.
"Yeah, I didn't want to tell her that." He said. "You gonna tell her?"
"This is something big and I can't lie about." I said. "If she ask I'll tell her but I'm not gonna bring it up."
He nodded and the waitress came with our food. He talked about how he liked the game and about how he wanted to go to this Basquiat gallery next weekend and I was down for that.
When we got home I didn't see no one in the living room. I went to Blues room and she was asleep. I kissed her on the forehead and left out. I went Chanel's room and she was asleep with the TV on. I turned it off and kissed her forehead and left out. I went in my room and Bey was watching TV. I went over to her and she looked up and we kissed.
"So how was it?" I asked sitting down.
"Pretty good." She said. "Got the main points across. What about you?"
"The same." I said. "Is my little girl still a little girl?"
"She's not a little girl." She said.
"What!?" I yelled.
"No ,not like that." She said. "I mean she's 15, that's not a little girl. She is still "in tact".
I took a deep breath.
"What about Damien even though he told me-" she stopped talking when she saw my face.
"He lied to me." She said.
"Babe, calm down." I said. "He didn't want to tell you then."
"What do you mean then, it was last week!" She said.
"It's different because your his mom." I said. "He felt more comfortable with me."
She just sat there.
"With who?" She asked. "Was it Rachel?"
"What? Hell no!" I said. "He said it was with some girl he was talking to."
"He's not sexually active now is he?" She asked.
"No." I said. "That was he only time."
She sighed.
I kissed her before I got up.
"Where you going?" She asked.
"To take a shower." I said. "I know you missed me today. I promise I won't be long."
"Oh shut up." She said.
I walked to the bathroom and went in the closet. Damn, all these bags. I walked back out to Bey. She looked my way.
"I know you said you was going shopping but damn." I said.
"Hey, I'm worth it." She said.
"That you are." I said.
I left out the room and got the bag I left on the kitchen. I walked back in the room. I gave Bey the bag.
"What's this?" She asked as she opened it. "Yay! Cheesecake."
I laughed at her goofiness.
"Wait, I can't eat it." She said frowning. "I got a tour."
"Just eat it." I said. "You'll be fine."
I walked towards her. She kissed me and I kissed her back.
"Maybe when you finish that we could work it off." I said.
She kissed me back but I backed up. She was looking like 'What the hell!'.
"I gotta shower." I said laughing. "I'll be back in like 15. Eat your cheesecake."
"You think you funny." She said as I walked back into the bathroom.
"Some people say I have a sense of humor." I yelled before I got ready for my shower.
This next chapter is about to get real so put on your seat belts.

FanfictionWhat happens when you try to do the right thing and hide your child from the spotlight but things go completely left. Check it out! Comment, rate, do whatever let me know you feeling it.