Damien's POV
We walked in the house from school and we passed by the living and both parents were sitting there. Why? I don't know. They were looking at both of us. What did we do? I looked at Chanel and she looked at me.
"Did we do something?" Chanel asked.
They kept looking at us or more so me. What did I do?
"Chanel, you can go." My mom said.
The fuck?
"Can I grab a snack first?" She asked.
"Yeah, hurry up." Ma said.
Mind you this women has not taken her eyes off of me. Chanel got her snack and went to her room.
"Did I do something?" I asked.
"You tell me." My dad said.
"I don't know what I did, I swear I don't." I said.
"Why did your school call and say that you have excessive tardies and now we have to come and shadow you?" She asked.
Oh damn, I didn't think I was late that much.
"I don't know." I said.
"You don't know?" My dad asked. "So you on time to every class, never been in tardy hall?"
"Uhm, I been once or twice." I said.
"Thirty-two tardies in two months." Ma said. "What the hell Damien, why you not on time?"
"Uhm, my locker is all the way on the other side of the school and it takes me awhile to get to class sometimes." I said.
Yeah, that sound good.
"You hear that Shawn?" Ma said looking at him.
"Yep, sound like excuses." He said looking at her.
They looked at me.
"There is no reason why you should be late thirty-two times." She said.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"Yeah, I know." She said.
"Am I punished?" I asked.
"Are you punished?" Ma said. "We're the ones that gotta shadow you Monday, we're the ones punished."
I just stood there, I didn't know what else to say.
"You can go now." My dad said.
I left and went in my room. I thought they were really gonna punish me. I took my jacket off and went to my closet. What the hell? Where are my clothes? What the hell are these bum ass polo's and khakis. Where are my shoes? Where are my Jordan's? I left my closet and room and went to the living room.
"Ma, where my clothes and shoes?" I asked.
"Oh you thought you were getting off easy." She said. "We took them."
"What? What am I supposed to wear to school?" I asked.
"It's some khakis and polo's in there." She said.
"I don't wear uniform." I said.
"That's the point. You've lost the privilege to wear what you want so you will wear uniform until your tardiness improves." She said.
"Is this a joke?" I asked.
"Nope, have fun with your new clothes." My dad said. "I bet you won't be late no more, no girls stopping you wearing that."
This is some bullshit. I mugged him.
"You got something you wanna say?" He asked.
"No." I said.
"Then why you still standing there?" He asked.
I walked away slowly. This is beyond low, who takes someone's clothes?
Chanel's POV
"Chanel! Get up!" I heard.
I swear I love Jesus but its too early for church.
"Chanel! I'm not gonna tell you again!" I heard.
"Okay!" I said.
Ugh! I swung my feet around and moved my ankle around. I was too thankful for not having crutches. I got up and went to the bathroom. After my hygiene routine I got dressed and did my hair and went out to the living room.
"Have you lost your mind? Your not wearing that." She said.
"Jesus said come as you are." I said.
"Well I said change and look like your going to church." She said.
"I don't think you can over rule Jesus." I said.
"Chanel Nicole Car-"
"Okay." I said walking back to my room.
I got her all riled up. Yeah I did it on purpose. I knew she wsn't letting me go to church with a t-shirt and jeans. I changed and came back out.
"This better?" I asked.
"Chanel, stop playing." My dad said.
We walked out and got in the van. When we got to church we sat by grandma and aunt Solange and Jeulz. I'm not gonna lie, I was dosing off during the sermon. I was awake for the choir but the sermon had me falling asleep. I got plucked for that too. After church we went to grandma's house for dinner and oh was it good.
"Ma, can you keep Blue tomorrow?" I heard my mom ask my grandma.
"Sure, why?" She asked.
"Me and Shawn have to shadow Damien at school tomorrow." My mom said.
"And why is that?" My grandma asked looking at Damien.
"I've just been late to a few classes." He said.
"Thirty-two times." My dad said.
"Thirty-two times." My grandmother repeated.
She just shook her head and so did I. When will this boy learn?
Beyoncé's POV
"Shawn, get up." I said.
"Why?" He asked.
"We have to shadow Damien and my mom should be by to get Blue." I said.
"Fine." He said and got up.
I got up to get the kids up. I went and woke up them up then went to get Blue up. I dressed her but didn't wake her up and laid her back down while I packed her bag then got myself together. When I was dressed and my hair was done as I went in Blue's room I heard the doorbell and I knew it was my mom. I picked Blue up and got her bag. I walked in the kitchen and the kids were eating breakfast.
"Morning mommy." Chanel said.
"Morning." I said. "Damien"
"Morning." He said with an attitude.
I see he's not happy this morning. My mom and Shawn came in.
"Good morning." My mom said.
"Morning." I said.
"Morning grandma." Chanel said.
"Good morning." She said.
Damien didn't say anything.
"Morning Damien." My mom said.
"Morning." He said eating his cereal giving no eye contact.
My mom looked at me and I shrugged it off. My mom picked up Blue and Shawn helped her to the car with Blue's bag. Chanel dumped her bowl and went to get her stuff so it was just me and him. He kept eating, I know it ain't that damn much cereal in that bowl.
"Damien." I said.
He looked up.
"What wrong? You got something you wanna say?" I asked.
"No." He said.
"You sure?" I asked.
"Yes." He said.
"Well go get your stuff so we can go and fix your face." I said.
He went to dump his bowl and get his stuff. Chanel came in when he left.
"You taking us to school?" She asked.
"Yep, we have to shadow Damien." I said.
"What? So y'all gonna be there all day?" She asked.
"Yeah." I said.
"Well this sucks, y'all mine as well follow me around too." She said.
"Why, something you wanna confess?" I asked.
"No, I'm good I'm just saying and people are just gonna be doing a lot today with you walking around." She said.
"Well I'm a parent before I'm an entertainment so there just gonna have to deal." I said.
"Great Jay-Z and Beyoncé going to school." She said.
"No Shawn and Beyoncé Carter are going to school to watch their child because he's never on time. " Shawn said coming in.
Chanel rolled her eyes.
"This is gonna be so embarrassing." She said.
"No it won't, shut up." Shawn said.
Damien came in and we grabbed our jackets and went to the school.
"Okay, please try not to be embarrassing." Chanel said in the car.
"Girl, get out." I said.
We got out and of course Julius was not too far behind. Chanel went to her locker while me, Shawn and Damien went to the office. We got our name tags and were told that we were to follow Damien around and what not. Basically it's like we're here but not here. Damien went to his locker and got his books before we went to his first class.
"Hey D." Some girl said walking by.
"Hey sweetheart." Damien said smiling.
"Don't be calling these girls pet names." I said.
"It was harmless ma." He said.
"Well now we see why you always late." Shawn said.
Shawn and myself sat in the back of the first class. Damn this is boring. After his first two classes it was lunch time. We went to the cafeteria where he was eating with Chanel, Erica and DJ. Shawn went and got us some chips and a drink.
"How you like your first day?" DJ asked me laughing.
"I'm bored out my mind but only because I have nothing to do." I said. "Please tell me this is not y'all's lunch."
I noticed they had chips and cookies and juice.
"It's not pizza day." Chanel said shrugging.
"Is this why y'all bum rush my kitchen everyday? Y'all need to be eating a balanced lunch." I said.
"But unless it's pizza or nuggets this food sucks." Damien said.
"Here." Shawn said handing me chips as he sat down.
We were eating and talking to the kids. I looked around and people were looking but no one approached us. After lunch Damien had two more classes. First one was dance. I know he may not like the class but he's not that bad in it. His last class he had with Chanel, DJ and Erica. I'm not gonna lie I was dosing off, my god. Shawn kept waking me up and laughing. I'm really thinking me and Shawn were being punished for Damien because I'm tired. Thank Jesus I cancelled practice today but I'm going all out tomorrow. As soon as I get home I'm going to bed. The bell rung and finally we can leave. We stood up as we waited for the kids. We went to their lockers.
"So Damien there shouldn't be any reason to be late anymore right." I said grabbing his head.
"Yes." He said.
I kissed his forehead.
"We'll check in a couple weeks and if you've been on time you can have your clothes back." Shawn said.
"I knew it!" Chanel said as she closed her locker. "They did take your clothes you little liar."
"Shut up." Damien said as Chanel laughed.
"I'm saying, you didn't have to lie about it." She said. "I thought you was just dressing west coast today with the khakis and chucks."
Chanel just shook her head.
"I told you to stop talking to those girls." She said as we walked to the exit.
"Chanel." I said.
"Yes mommy." Chanel said.
"Shut up before you have no clothes." I said.

FanfictionWhat happens when you try to do the right thing and hide your child from the spotlight but things go completely left. Check it out! Comment, rate, do whatever let me know you feeling it.