Chapter 26 Part 2

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Chanel's POV

Right now I'm getting dressed for school and I'm still kind of pissed about yesterday. I mean no she didn't beat me but I can't go to the festival now plus that stupid two weeks of Saturday school. Damn, I really wish I did damage to that girl now. One smooth punch to the-

 "Chanel, come get breakfast." I heard somebody yell.

 I'm not really talking to anyone because I think my punishment is unfair. Okay, a little unfair. Yeah I did something she told me not to but don't all kids.

I grabbed my backpack and went into the kitchen. I didn't want what they were having so I went and got cereal. I'm not sure if it pissed anyone off but I don't care. I ate my cereal and stood to leave.

 "Chanel, come home straight from school." My mom said.

 "Where else am I gonna go." I said under my breath walking to the door.

 "What you say?" She asked.

 "Nothing ma, see you later." I said as I walked out the door.

 I went down to car to wait for Damien. When Damien got in we drove off. While in the car he kept looking at me.

 "What?" I asked.

 "You rude as hell." He said.

 "What are you talking about?" I asked.

 "In the house, you rude. You better be lucky your mother didn't smack the mess out of you." He said.

 "Yeah, whatever." I said and put on my beats.

I would have took a beaten if I could have still gone to the concert. We got out the car and I went straight to my locker and got my books to class. I went to my first class which I had with Erica.

 "So what happened?" She asked when I sat down.

 "I'm grounded for I don't know how long, 2 weeks of Saturday detention and I can't go to the festival anymore." I said as I did the warm-up on the board.

 "Damn, you should've did homegirl more damage for all of that." She said.

 "I know." I said.

 Just thinking about that Jessica chick pissed me off.

 Beyonce's POV

 "Ma, yeah I know, but I knew this would hurt just as much. Yeah she has to go to school Saturday but the car will take her. Yes, we'll be back Sunday night. Okay, love you bye." I said.

 I was on the phone with my mom telling her about this weekend and stuff. I was dropping Blue and Chanel off on our way to the jet. Shawn had already left earlier so it was just Me and Damien. Right now I'm packing my bag and Blue's bag. I told Damien and Chanel to pack a bag but with the way she was acting this morning who knows if she did it. That little girl is messing with the patience god gave me. After I finished packing I fed Blue her lunch and put her down for a nap. While she took a nap I decided to watch a movie but I dosed off.

 "Auntie, Auntie." Damien said.

 "Huh?" I said as woke up.

 "We're back." He said.

 "Okay, you packed?" I asked.

 He nodded.

 "She packed?" I asked.

 "I don't know." He said.

 "Go find out for me." I said as I started flipping channels. 

 He came back in and shook his head. 

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