Chanel's POV
"Ahhhh!" I screamed as I hit the bag.
"Come on." I heard my dad say.
I hit it a few more times. I was finally finished.
"Alright, now push ups." He said.
"Daddy, I'm tired." I said.
"No, your being lazy." He said.
I sighed and got down. I started my push ups and I swear getting my anger out the gym works wonders. After that therapy session things have gotten somewhat better. I have to wait till June to start going full time but she talks to me on the phone and what not. My mom seems cool about us going to some sessions together to make our relationship better.
After I finished the push ups I got the jump rope. I don't really like working out but whatever keeps me centered and stress free I'll do it. I don't need anymore blow ups.
I was jumping rope when my dad came over to me.
"We gotta go." He said.
"What?" I asked.
"We gotta get to the venue." He said.
"But, I'm sweaty and stink." I said.
"You'll shower at the venue, come on." He said.
We left the gym and went to the venue. What happened? I know he's not telling me something.
*At the Venue*
"Daddy, you gonna tell me or what?" I asked.
We kept walking until we got to mommy's dressing room. She was on the couch laying down with grandma and a EMT. Damien was holding Blue on the other couch.
"What happened?" My dad asked.
"She fainted." My grandma said.
"I'm fine." My mom said hoarsely.
"Oh yeah." My grandma said. "Tonsillitis."
"Tonsil what?" I said.
"Oh does that mean she has to get them taken out?" Damien asked. "That would be so cool."
We all looked at him.
"I mean, no not tonsillitis." He said.
I looked back at my mom and she did not look that great. Weak actually, I've never seen her look like that. I sat on the couch.
"I don't think you can perform tonight." The EMT said.
"No, I'm fine." My mom said. "I'm not canceling my show."
My mom sat up and tried to stand but fell back down. I shook my head and laid back on the couch.
"If you perform your just gonna make it worse." He said. "You need rest."
"I'll be fine." My mom said.
"She'll be resting." My grandmother said.
The EMT nodded and left. My mom was looking something terrible.
"Ma, you really gonna perform tonight?" I asked.
"I want to." She said.
I got up and went over by her. She was looking at me funny.
"Sorry, I know I smell." I said. "Anyway, aren't you the same person that told me to chill out when I sprain my ankle and tried to walk before the doctor told me I could."
"It's not the same." She said trying to justify.
"Ma, I'm gonna keep it funky." I said. "Right now you look and sound terrible. Just reschedule."

FanfictionWhat happens when you try to do the right thing and hide your child from the spotlight but things go completely left. Check it out! Comment, rate, do whatever let me know you feeling it.