Chapter 28

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Chanel's POV

 Let’s see who we got here. We got me, my mom, Damien, Rachel, Aunt Kelly, Aunt Michelle, Aunt Salonge, Rachel's mom, Julius and Greg. I went to my dad’s concert last night which was amazing. I've never seen my dad perform before so it was amazing and the crowd was going wild. People went crazy when he turned the lights up and shouted people out. Me and Damien were out there, with security of course, and my dad shouted us out talking about y'all need go find y'all mother, y'all shouldn't be by yourselves this late. Backstage was crazy, people come out to support my dad and everything and it was good to see everybody.

Now we’re standing in a line waiting to go in a haunted house. How I got all of us to this haunted house I don't even know. Rachel told me about this and it's Saturday so I asked my mom and next thing I know road trip. The haunted house was in Maryland so you know I had to call Rachel. She got her mom to come so we were just waiting to go in right now. Grandma stayed in the RV with Blue and Jeulz. The lady told us the rules and we were seeing who was going to go first. 

 "Okay who going in front?" Aunt Kelly asked.

 "Why you scared?" I asked laughing.

 "No." She said.

 "Well I'm not going in front. Damien." I said as I pushed him.

 "Uh no!" He said and got behind me.

 "Look, Julius in front, Greg in the back." Aunt Solange said and we fell into place.

 It was Julius, Aunt Michelle, Aunt Kelly, My mom, Me, Rachel, Her mom, Aunt Solange, Damien and Greg. I'm not gonna fake I was scared.

 "Ma, you scared?" I asked.

 "Girl please." She said as we walked in.



 We ran out of that haunted house and just when we thought it was over I heard a chainsaw and looked back and some man was coming so I pushed anyone who was in my way and ran. That haunted house was crazy. People were popping up out of nowhere and I swear you could feel them breathing on you. I ran until I got back to the RV. When I ran in my grandmother looked at me like I had lost my mind. I was breathing heavy and I know I looked as scared as I felt.

 "What happened?" She asked.

 "Man, it was some dude with a chainsaw and I ran." I said sitting next to her trying to catch my breath.

 "Where is everyone else?" She asked.

 "I don't know, I didn't look back." I said.

 A few minutes later the door opened and I saw my mom come on the bus with a plate. She looked at me and laughed as everyone got on the bus behind her. I immediately got upset that they were laughing at me. 

 "Stop laughing at her." My grandma said.

 "I'm just messing with her." My mom said as she sat beside me. "Even though she did push me out of the way." 

 "Well I saw that man and if y'all wanted to stay there that was on y'all." I said.

 My aunts, Damien, Rachel and her mom got on the bus and were eating funnel cakes. Maybe I ran away too soon.

 "Can I get some?" I asked my mom.

 She shared her plate with me.

 "So how was it?" My grandmother asked everyone.

 "It was crazy; at one point we were walking in pitch black couldn't see anything." Damien said.

 "Yeah and somebody was screaming like they lost their mind." Aunt Solange said and everyone looked at my mom.

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