Chapter 3

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Mi Sung POV

3 days after


Fuck you alarm. I immediately made my way to the bathroom. Today's the first day of school and I'm not used to it anymore. I got out and change into my uniform. It's cute though, not like my other uniform. I apply natural make up and go downstairs.


"Morning sweety, are you excited for today?" Mom ask and I nodded.

"I hope it's going to be fun for you." Dad smiled and I also smiled. I'm so lucky to have a parents like them. They always support our decisions and passion.

"Morning Appa! Eomma! Unnie!" Mi Yeong got down with a big smile on her face.

"Morning honey." Mom and Dad said.

"Morning Little sis." I said and hugged her. I'm quite close to her. Actually, me, oppa and Mi Yeong are close.

"Let me guess you're excited aren't you?"

"Yup!" We all chuckled and continue our breakfast.

I was done eating and went to the mirror for my final look. I'm quite nervous cause I really don't know anyone there.

"You already look great sweetie and don't be nervous everything's going to be fine." My mom siddenly pops out of nowhere and put her hands on my shoulder.

I smiled and we both went to the car. I plugged my earphone and listen to "Butterfly" This song really makes me clam and happy. I decided to text Dara.

Mi Sung😇
-Dara T^T where are you?

-On my way whats wrong?

Mi Sung😇
- Nervous asf

- Same T^T let's meet at the school gate okay?

Mi Sung😇
- Mkay

I exited the messgae box and listen to the music. Soon, we arrive at the school.

"Honey goodluck on your first day." Mom said with her smile.

"Unnie goodluck." Mi Yeong said and kissed my cheeks. I smiled and got out. I wave goodbye and took a deep breath. Woah~ this school is huge.

"Mi Sung!" Someone shouted and I look back to see Dara.

"Are you ready?" I ask her and she had a deep breath and nodded.

We both walked inside and I can feel stares. Many students are hanging out with their friends and squealing.

"Dara, how can we find the principal's office? This school is huge."

"Yeah, good question. I'm getting uncomfortable here. Too many stares are killing me." I nodded and we continue to walk. I decided to ask someone, I saw a girl who is taking care of her locker.

"Uh excuse me." I patted her shoulder and when he turn around me and Dara widen our eyes.


"Dara?! Mi Sung?!" We started to squeal and jumped up and down while hugging.

"Omo! How are you? Where have you been we've miss you." Dara said while glaring at Eunji.

Eunji is our bestfriend in elementary. Sadly, she has to go with his parents overseas and we lost conact.

"I just came back from Germany last year. I tried to call you but failed."

"At least we are back now." I said and we hugged each other.

"Did you get your schedule already?" We both shook our heads.

"Come on let me show you."

We walked towards the principal's office following Eunji. While passing we heard whispers.

"Dude look at the new students aren't they pretty?"

"Damn, their hot."

"New bitches again, just wanted some attentions."

"OMG they are so pretty I wanted to their friend."

"They are with Eunji, they're so lucky."

When I heard the last gossip I became confuse. Is Eunji some kind of popular student in this school? Not gonna blame because she's pretty and kind so why not.

"I can sense someone's popular here." I nugde Eunji and she chuckled.

"Yeah, I don't know why I became popular. It's just that we are popular since elementary days." We all chuckled. It's true, the three of us are popular in elementary. I think it's because we always join dance contest and we are top students. We also sing that's why they called us multi-  talented squad.

I can do singing, dancing, play instruments, rap, gymnastics. Well it goes the same for Dara and Eunji they can do all my talents. For short, they have the same talents as mine.

We arrive at the principal's office and gretted the secretary. She give us our sechedule and saw Eunji waiting outside.

"So what is your subject?"

"I have Science." I said.



"Well I guess we all go to the same classroom." Eunji squealed and dragged us.

We are walking slow and talking about the things we miss, when the bell rang.

"Shit we're late." Dara said and we walked fast.

We arrive and Eunji first got in.

"Why are you late Ms. Choi?" The man said which I assumed is our teacher.

"Sorry Mr. Nam, I just accompany the new students."

"Oh where are they now?"

"The're outside."

Mr. Nam took a peek and smiled when he saw us.

"Ok class, as you all heard we have a new transfer students. Please come in."

We took a deep breath and look at each other. We got in together and stood beside Mr. Nam.

"Please introduce yourself."

"Annyeonghasaeyo Dara Kim imnida."

"Annyeonghasaeyo Lee Mi Sung imnida." I scanned the whole room and my eyes landed on a boy who is taking a nap.

He is quite familiar. I stare at him for a while, he suddenly jerk his head up and he meet my eyes. Our eyes widen.





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