Chapter 25

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Mi Sung POV

"Boooooo" I turn around and saw my boyfriend running to me with open arms. He hug me really tight. Now he's picking me up and we will walk together towards school. The group didn't have any clue about us.

"Taehyung-ah." He hummed in reply.

"You don't have any plans of telling the others about us?"

"Hmm let them find out themselves." He said and put his arms around me. I let out a small chuckle.

We arrive at school with our hands together and as expected we got all the attention. We ignore all the whispers and saw our friends.

"Hey Guys why are--WAOHHH what am I seeing?" All of them look at us and we quickly let go. So this is what you feel when your friends doesn't know about your relationship.

"Nothing.... Let's go drop the girls to the classroom first and we'll proceed to the hideout. I've got something to tell you guys." The others nodded. Well you might not know about the hideout thing but they got their own hideout. Pretty amazing right?

"We'll be going first thanks for dropping us." I smiled.

"We'll be skipping class for today." He leaned closer and whispered. "Cause I know their will be a lot of teasing so." We both laugh and he peck my lips and hug me. Everyone's eyes went wide.

"Boo be careful see you later." He left and the others follow with confuse faces.

"Guys come--"

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Oh shit my poor ears.

"I was going to explain ok? What the fuck and why do you need to shout?"

"Sorry we just got shocked so explain." I sighed.

"Me and Taehyung are in a relationship." They become blank for a while then suddenly started shouting.

"OUR SHIP IS SAILING" I just look down out of embarassment.

"Calm down omg I should'nt have told you."

"Yah we are your bestfriend and we have the right to know." I just chuckled at them while they continue to fangirl. Why do I have friends like them. Anyways I love them.

Taehyung POV

"Bro what was that?!"

"That's why I bought you guys here."

"Spill it." Jin said as the others waited.

"Me and Mi Sung are in a relationship."

"WE WON! Now give me the money bastards." Jimin and Jungkook said. I look at them confuse.

"You bet on me?" I told them acting hurt.

"Don't think it the wrong way Tae we just ship you two so much." Hoseok said and there the teasing began.


Mi Sung POV

Me and the girls are walking towards the canteen and still they are fangirling. They sill haven't move on gosh. We arrive and directly went to their table.

"BOOOOOOO" before I can completely turn around, I was crashed with a hug.

"I miss youuuu." Everyone in the canteen were shocked.

"Come on it was just an hour." I pinch his cheeks he hug me tighther and peck my lips.

"Not in public Tae." I hid my face in the crook of his neck as I saw them staring at us. I look up to him pouting.

"Stop I can't handle your cuteness."

"Stop the both of you you're making us jelous please be reminded that there are single people in here." Namjoon said and everyone chuckled.

"Yow guys!" Everyone averted their eyes to Sungwoon.

"Guys I would like you to meet Kate my girlfriend." My eyes widen ang jump in joy.

"OH MY GOD WAY TO GO SUNGWOON! YOU FINALLY GOT HER!" We did a high five while everyones face was very confuse.

"Hi Mi Sung-ah I'm Kate I've heard alot about you." Kate said with the cutest voice. God she's very pretty.

"Oh you did? Hoping it wasn't embarrassing." We laughed and took our sit.

"So Mi Sung-shii we are together now but what about you and your cruhs?" He ask while looking at Taehyung.

"Of course if you're together then, we are also together." His eyes widen and smiled widely.

"Oh shit is it that I'm not inform?"

"Cause u slow." He rolled his eyes but then smiled.

"Congrats now my mission is a success." All our eyes is on him.

"Well the day that I arrive and notice that Taehyung has something to Mi Sung so my mission was to make Taehyung jelous for him to admit his feelings for mi Sung." Taehyung looked at him in disbelief.

"You made me jelous for me to admit it to her?" Sungwoon nodded proudly.

"You are going to get it."

"No shit I'm sorry!" Taehyung started to chase Sungwoon around and we just all laugh. I turned my head to Kate who is also laughing at his boyfriend.

"So Kate how is Sungwoon doing?" She suddenly blush and I chuckled at her cuteness.

"He's sweet and quite surprise that he's the twin of Jimin." We both laugh and decided to leave them who are laughing at Sungwoon and Taehyung.

Sungwoon POV

"Yah stop.." I said while panting.

"You're rude." He smacked my head and went back to his sit.

"Wait.. " I looked around. "Where's Kate?"

"And where is Mi Sung?"



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