Chapter 18

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Mi Sung POV

"Oh! Jongin Oppa!"

"Hello Mi Sung-ah." I immediately hung my head low being shy of the things that happen when he was around.

"Hyung!" The boys called him and did their bro hug.

"Woah, you've grow alot."

"Of course hyung look at me being manly." Jimin started acting manly but still cannot hide the cutness he have.

"Oh stop, you are still the little mochi I know." He ruffled his hair and Jimin whine. We just watch them laughing.

"Hyung? What are you doing here?" We all look to the owner of the voice.

"What? Can't I?" Taehyung laugh and did their fist bomb.

"So when will you start?"

"On monday I guess?" He nodded and my brother spoke.

"I will kidnap my sister for now guys. We have a important business to attend, is that alright?"

"Yeah no problem." The boys smiled and I bid goodbye.

While me and my brother are walking I just remember why did he excuse me?

"Oppa, why did you fetch me?"

"We will be meeting the Kim Family later." My eyes widen.

"So it means Taehyung is there?" He nodded and looked at me teasingly.

"You like him don't you?" I froze in my spot. I never thought of that thing.

"N-No." I quickly walk away hearing my brothers chuckled. Feeling my face getting hot.


Here I am wearing a casual attire. I am really confuse with mom, usually she won't allowed me wearing casual attire on family meeting but she allowed me this time. We arrive and I quickly bow at them for respect and them returning it. I look up and saw Taehyung also wearing casual outfit.

"Ey Mi Sung-shi." fuck that was hot. Okaayy what am I thinking???

"Tae, wait why are we-" 

I was being cut off with Taehyung's dad talking.

"Okay let's go!" Okay..... I am really confuse right now. I nudge Taehyung and he saw my confuse face.

"You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"We will attend a party together with my family and yours." I look at him shock.

"Wait is the party formal or?"

"Anything." I nodded slowly but still confuse. Tae saw my face and laugh. This little jerk, how dare he laugh at me.

Taehyung POV

I was looking outside enjoying the view. I look at my side and saw Mi Sung with her earphones looking outside. I studied her face.

Damn, she's pretty. The day that I first saw her I knew that she has something different with her. She makes my day happy when I see her. When we talk, I can feel butterflies in me. What are you doing to me Mi Sung?

I snap back to reality when I notice waving her hands infront of me. I must look stupid shit.

"Tae." She chuckled. Even her laugh is pretty. "Why are you spacing out?"

My cheeks turn slightly red and quickly hid by turning my head to the side.

"N-Nothing. Why did you call me anyways?"

"Duhh we are here." She laugh at my stupid face.

"Oh... Come on then."I then rub the crook of my neck and head out. As a gentlemen I waited for her outside the car and held her hands to assist her way down. She gladly take my hand and thank me. 

We walked behind our parents who are chit chatting closely. I look at Mi Sung who is looking around awkwardly. I interwide her hand with mine, she was shock at first but holding my hands tightly.

"I feel awkward Tae."

"I know, that's why I am holding your hands."

"Thank you."She smiled at me. Thump Thump Thump Thump

My heart starts to beat fast. What is happening to me? As the party started I look around and everything in this place is elegant. Some are wearing formal usually adults and some are casual which you can assume the younger ones. I look around more a bit and saw the prettiest smile that I've ver seen.

I thought of it in a moment and something came in my mind. If my heart keeps beating fast when I am with her, does that mean that I like her?


What do you think??😏😏😊

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