Chapter Three

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Reader. Yes. It was on this day, the very day Izuku Midoriya had dubbed as a good day, that the name Deku became a name to be feared.  Deku still meant "you can do it". However, this "you can do it" had a way darker undertone than one meant to comfort people. It meant that Deku was able to do whatever he wanted, which to the people, this was to create mass destruction.

If only Midoriya had chosen something different. If only he had said no. Maybe then, it wouldn't have ended the way it did. We can't focus on the "what ifs" right now, though. It is my duty to tell you how it happened. And that is what I will do.

Anyways, on with the story, then.

No, actually.

Not story. Facts.

"Very well, then." The voice laughed. "I see you at least understand when you are defeated."

Midoriya heard a noise from the shadows, as though someone had snapped their fingers. "Kurogiri, send her home."

"Kurogiri?" Midoriya saw another figure stepped from the shadows. It was Tomura Shigaraki's assistant from the League of Villains, the one with the ability to transport. Izuku turned back to the mysterious voice."Who are you?" He asked again.

"Why, I've already told- "

"No, I mean, who are you? Are you with the League of Villains? What's your name?" The air seemed to grow colder.

"I can't tell you that. Don't ask me again." The voice warned. "However, I can happily tell you that I am in no way in cahoots with the League of Villains. They work for me. As does the All for One. Every villain worth their salt knows that if they want to get by they have to work for me."

Before Midoriya could have a chance to react, Inko was released by her restraints by Kurogiri.

"Don't do it, Izuku!" His mother sobbed, "Please, don't do it! You're a hero! Don't do this to- "Before Inko could say anything more, she was knocked out by a shot Kurogiri administered into her arm.

"Mom!" Izuku cried out. "What did you do to her?" He demanded. "I did as you asked!"

"Relax. It was just so we could make her forget what happened. Now we will send her peacefully on her way home with no recollection of what happened to her son." The honey toned voice seemed a little more bitter now, than it did when Midoriya first heard it.

Kurogiri proceeded to open a portal in the floor and drop Inko into it. Her face, although she was asleep, was a troubled one. It broke Midoriya's heart.

The voice continued, "Now then, either you continue to work with me and do exactly as I say, or I'm afraid your mother may suffer from a terrible accident."

Midoriya nodded, silently. He felt his heart slowly crack, the parts of him that made him a hero slowly starting to diminish. It was as though Midoriya was actually losing a part of himself with this agreement. However, he didn't cry. Not this time. He wouldn't. There was no way he was going to let this incorporeal voice see him cry. He would shoulder on through the pain. It was the only way to save his mother. To save his friends. To save Japan.

Sure, it wasn't the best option in the world, to become a villain. But it was the only option. Midoriya had chosen the lesser of two evils. He would try and keep control over what he could.

"First off, and I'm sure this is rather obvious, you will be unable to continue your attendance at UA. It is a school for heroes, not for people like you. From now on, you will be training with me in order to cultivate and expand the abilities of your new Quirk. Next up, you are prohibited from contacting any of your friends or previous acquaintances. You will have as little contact with the outside world as possible. You are not allowed to complain about whatever task I may assign you. If I want you to vandalize, you will do so. If I want you to steal, you will do so. If I want you to destroy or kill, you will do so. Do you understand?"

Midoriya nodded once more, his emotions slowly slipping away as his heart crumbled He would never be able to see his friends again. Most likely, the next time they heard of him, he would be wanted as a volatile criminal. What a great way to surprise your friends.

"Now, Kurogiri will lead you to your room. In there, you will find your uniform. I want you to put that on and wait until I arrive to instruct you. Go."

As Midoriya left the room, following Kurogiri, he could feel the piece of him that defined him as a hero was missing. It had disappeared. Swallowed, in the chaos of his heart. It was something that would take way too long for Midoriya to grow back.

It was something Midoriya would never be able to get back.

His uniform, Midoriya found, consisted of a white button up shirt, a black vest, and a green tie, the exact color of his eyes and hair. It also came with a pair of black dress pants, of course. After monotonously getting dressed, Midoriya sat on the small plain bed in his room that only held a bed. The place didn't even have a window.

Midoriya didn't notice any of this though. He was too busy processing his situation. Out loud of course.

It breaks my heart to write this story. If only I could have been there. If only I could have been able to comfort Midoriya. If only I could have done something to help him get through this pain. But I didn't. I couldn't. Because, I wasn't there and at the time, I had no idea what he was going through. And I wouldn't, for a long while.

Over a period of time full of much coughed up blood, many bruises and a variety of scars, Midoriya was able to master his new Quirk. Of course, It was all thanks to the instruction of the voice in some shadowy corner and punishment from the silent Kurogiri when Deku couldn't deliver. Midoriya also discovered that he could even speak to the demon who had taken up lodging in his mind.

It wasn't very nice.

After five to six months, Midoriya had made quite a name for himself on the news. He would go around picking fights with heroes whom he easily defeated, he would rob from places as simple as gas stations to places as secure as a bank, and he would even knock down whole buildings, just to prove a point. He would burn down schools and go on undercover missions to collect Intel from hero associations as well as rival villain gangs. Also, due to orders, Deku always had to carry around a can of paint - green, of course - and spray paint Deku at every stop he made. Deku the Infamous, they called him. Deku the Traitor. Deku the Apathetic. Deku the Infallible. Usually though, people would just call him Deku.

One thing was for sure, though.

Midoriya never harmed another human being if he could help it.

Sometimes, in order to prevent the injury of the people Midoriya would put himself in more danger than necessary. His body slowly began to collect scars as memories of his awful deeds, but that was okay to him. In the end, what was the value of a traitor and villain compared to the value of the life of an innocent or a hero? It seemed to be a fair trade.

To this day, I am constantly trying to find some way I could tell him that so much suffering was not worth it. I am unable to find a way, though. Deep down, on some micro level, Izuku still kept the essence of a hero in his heart.

This is why, after months of building his reputation while destroying all of his previous relationships in the process, after months of meticulously making sure he never went overboard and injured an innocent, he was horrified to find his next mission that  was lying in wait for him on his bed. 

It was in a manila envelope that had Deku written in loopy cursive handwriting.

It read:

Intent: Exterminate

Subjects: Class of 1-A

Do not be seen. Consequences will be delivered as necessary.

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