Chapter 10

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"Alright, ask away." 

The young villain and the young hero were sitting together in the room, both situated across from each other. Midoriya was sitting on the bed, while Todoroki had moved a chair opposite the greenette and sat there.

"Where have you been?" Was Todoroki's first and extremely logical question.

Midoriya sighed. "I've been a lot of places, Todoroki. I couldn't name them all if I wanted to."

The taller male nodded seriously. "Fair enough. Why did you attack Uraraka, Iida, and me?"

"I was ordered to." 

"By who?"

"Whoever it was that kidnapped me."

Todoroki groaned in exasperation. "We are getting nowhere."

"Look, if I knew who did it, then I would have told you earlier. He kept his face hidden from me wherever we went. All I know is that he is extremely powerful, even more than All Might."

"That's impossible." 

"Nothing is impossible, Todoroki. It would do well for you to learn that before something happens to you." Midoriya's face was grim. It was the face of a person who had seen unspeakable things. He obviously didn't want to answer anymore questions, but Todoroki only had one more, and he needed an answer.

"Do you regret it?"


Midoriya's eyes widened, surprised by the question. It had been a while since anyone had asked what he thought about anything, so he was extremely bewildered.

"Do you regret it?" Todoroki asked again. "Do you regret everything you've done?"

There was a long moment of silence before Midoriya spoke. 

"Of course I do." He looked down, his voice small. He sounded broken. "I regret everything I've ever done. All the crimes I've committed, all the people I've hurt. Every little thing I've done. I regret it all. Everything I did is ingrained in my memory. Whenever I close my eyes, I can picture everything I've done in detail. I can never escape it. Not that I don't deserve it. After everything I've done, this is a punishment that I deserve."

Todoroki frowned, staring at the young villain before him. Sure, he had certainly committed crimes, but he had never physically harmed another innocent human being, even as a villain. However, Midoriya was a sensitive soul. His crimes probably seemed more severe to himself then they actually were.

Todoroki stood, now towering over the still seated Midoriya.

"Midoriya." The other male looked up, surprised to find the hero standing over him. "You are one of the most kind-hearted people I know, you would never have done this unless you were forced to. I know I don't know all of the details of your kidnapping, but I do know that as long as you are under my roof, I will never let anyone with bad intentions lay a hand on you. That is my promise, both as a hero, and as your friend."

Midoriya's eyes were wet with tears. Although he may have been slightly changed after his experiences, his sensitivity was one thing that never left him. 

"Todoroki, thank you. Thank you so much."

Todoroki grunted in surprise. The shorter male had proceeded to throw himself at the taller one, enveloping him in a desperate hug. After a moment of shock, Todoroki gently wrapped his arms around Midoriya, returning the gesture. 

"It is no problem, Midoriya." he said. I would do anything for you, was what he did not say.

The young greenette began sobbing into Todoroki's shirt. He was being so kind to Midoriya. Kindness was not something he thought he deserved, but Todoroki seemed so adamant to help him. It's not fair, Midoriya thought. Why does he have to be so nice to me, when I am constantly fighting myself to keep from killing him?

Midoriya's grip tightened on the back of his monotone friend's shirt as he sobbed harder. 

"I don't deserve your kindness, Todoroki." Midoriya cried.

"That's where you're wrong, Midoriya, you deserve the world."

By the end of their whole ordeal, Todoroki's shirt was soaked and he made Midoriya drink about two large glasses of water before leaving him alone.

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