Chapter Fifteen

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"So, here's the other bathroom, in case you were unaware."

Todoroki was giving Izuku a tour of his house and was just about to end it. They were currently in his room.

(Once again, dear reader, keep your mind out of the gutter. Please.)

"Don't worry," Izuku grimaced. "I am well acquainted with that bathroom." He was referring to the time when he had thrown up that very morning. It was certainly not a pleasant memory.

Todoroki didn't acknowledge that comment. He just carried on, his usual stoic expression plastered on to his face.

"We have sheets and blankets in the closet down the hall. You can use those to make something of a useful bed in here on the floor. Normally, I would have you sleep in the guest room, but considering your... unique situation, it would be best for you to sleep in here. My father would not appreciate finding you."

Izuku nodded. That made sense. He was the number two pro hero after all.

"He is out on a business trip for a while, so we will be fine for now, but it is always best to be careful. Tomorrow, I have to go to school, so I need you to be quiet. You can go wherever you want, just try not to make too much noise, and don't leave any obvious clues that might lead to your existence."

Izuku nodded again. He was used to making himself go as unnoticed as he could.

Todoroki continued. "I have to go and work on a group project tomorrow with some classmates, so I won't be here until late..." He kept speaking, but Izuku couldn't help but be hung up on the mention of his classmates.

"How are they?" He interrupted.

The young hero paused. "What?" He asked, confused.

"How are they? How are ou- your friends?" Izuku noticed his mistake and corrected it. He knew they probably didn't see him as a friend. Not anymore. Not after what he had done.

Todoroki was silent for a moment. He looked uncertain, unaware of how he should deliver the news.

I knew it, Izuku thought, they hate me. He lowered his head in shame.

"They miss you." Todoroki stated factually. "We missed you." He said again, correcting his sentence."

Izuku lifted his head in surprise. They missed him? Really?

"Don't get me wrong," Todoroki continued, being ever the blunt one, "they are really confused by what you did, and some of them are a little mad, but overall, they just want you to come back."

Izuku nodded, he understood. It made sense, he would feel the same way if it were him. Slowly, a smile came to his face, maybe he could actually see his friends again one day. Maybe, all of this would pass, and he could join his friends in UA once more, training and honing their abilities to become the heroes they all dreamed of being. There was a chance that they could put this all behind them.

Not if I can help it! The voice sounded almost playful as it sung those few foreboding words.

Izuku's mood fell.

Stay out of this. Can't you just leave me alone for a few days?

But Izuku, it pouted, what would I do without you?

Get a hobby, Izuku was really beginning to feel fed up.

"Midoriya," Todoroki's voice pulled Izuku from the inner one that our main character was really starting to hate, "we need to talk a little more."

"About what?" Izuku knew they had a lot to talk about, he just didn't know what they needed to talk about right then.

"You. This. Our arrangement."

Izuku nodded. "We should probably do that."

"Let's sit down."


Once they were situated, they began talking about what exactly they would do. It took a while, but eventually they reached a consensus.

Midoriya would live with Todoroki for a year. Then, if whoever was after him had not come to get him, Todoroki would inform the Pro-Heroes of Izuku's situation and then they would figure out what to do from there.

"Why so long?" Izuku had asked.

"Villains are very persistent. If you are important to them, they aren't going to let you go easily. We need to make sure you are safe. This means that you can't go out very often and you shouldn't sign any documents in your name. We can't risk letting them find you."

Izuku nodded. He was thankful that Todoroki was going to stick lengths to keep him safe. Even if he had objected to it earlier.

"Why are you helping me?"

Todoroki looked startled. "What do you mean?"

"I didn't do anything to deserve your help. If anything, you should have killed me. So why didn't you?"

"You're wrong. You deserve help. You helped me when I needed it, now it's my turn to help you. Anyways, you don't deserve what happened to you. You are a true hero. You helped not only me, but everyone in Class A, whether it was giving them notes or teaching them about their worth. And pardon my language, but it's about damn time that someone helped you too."

Izuku stared at Todoroki, shocked. "Thank you." His voice was a faint whisper.

Todoroki simply smiled.

They spent the rest of the night with Izuku pestering Todoroki with questions about his friends, while the dual haired teen struggled to answer them to the best of his ability.

He swore that he would pay more attention to his classmates the next day.


Hi! I would just like to dedicate this chapter to clarinet3tv for being the first one to vote on my last chapter just MINUTES after I posted it. Thanks!


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