Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Suzuki! Look! Look at what I made!"

Izuku looked down at Yui, the seven-year-old child he was tasked with taking care of while her father was off getting his degree and earning money.  She was holding up another one of her arts and crafts projects.

It was a pile of glue and popsicle sticks with a few pieces of uncooked macaroni for variety.

Izuku smiled down at the young girl encouragingly and pulled her into his lap. "Amazing job, Yui! I love it!"

The girl's ponytail jumped around as the girl bounced up and down in excitement. "It's you! This is the head! And your hair was suppose to be in this spot but it fell off, so you don't have hair now."

Yui nodded to herself sagely, as though this was a wise thought to have. Maybe it was for a seven year old, I don't know.

Izuku threw his head back as he chuckled. "I love it, Yui. It's a perfect resemblance."

"It's yours now!" The girl declared, thrusting the misshapen mess into Izuku's arms before jumping off of his lap and running of to make another horrifying contraption that I simply cannot condone. Izuku then turned his attention back to the four-year-old twins who were lying on the ground staring intensely at the cartoon playing on a TV.

After the two ran around screaming and tackling whoever was in reach (Mainly Izuku), the two had finally exhausted their tiny human bodies and we're now collapsed on the ground. Had their breathing not been so obvious, Izuku would have worried that they were dead.

In case any of you would like clarification on, do not worry, they weren't dead. The children were quite alive and happy.

After Yui, Hina, and Yuna's parents returned home from their responsibilities, Izuku returned to his own home. Or, at least, the place most like home that he had at the time.

He arrived to find Todoroki working on homework for his hero training course. It had something to do with strategy, according to Todoroki's disgruntled ramblings.

"I hate this," Todoroki stated as he glared at his work menacingly. "How do they expect me to complete this? It's not possible. There is no way a hero with these stats can beat a villain this overpowered."

Izuku laughed and walked over to where Todoroki was working on the kitchen counter. "Aw, come on. It can't be that bad."

"Yes, it can," Todoroki deadpanned.

Izuku looked over Todoroki's shoulder and immediately his eyes lit up. He turned to Todoroki.

"I know how to do this! It's pretty tricky, so I can't blame you for not understanding it. All Might probably assigned it to you as a challenge question to see if you could do it and he was most likely not going to grade it. That sounds like something he would do. So, basically the thing to remember in these situations is to always. . ."

Izuku droned on and on. I won't bore you with the details. If you really want to know the equation and it's answer, feel free to write a letter to the author (me) once you finish this book. I can answer any questions you may have.

Todoroki listened closely to the villain's explanation on hero strategies, and after a few minutes found to his great surprise that Izuku was correct. "How do you know this? You haven't been to school for almost half of the year."

Izuku struggled to come up with a reasonable response. Finally, he said, "Strategy and analysis have always been my specialty. I wrote in my notebook for years, I guess it's only natural that information would stay with me."

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