Chapter 30

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Izuku Midoriya was freaking out.

His face was as red as a firetruck, his heart was beating so fast it felt like he had just fought a war single-handedly, and the adrenaline pumping through his veins was so overwhelming that the boy with the forest green eyes was certain he would not be able to sleep for a million years, at least.





It wasn't like he meant to do it on purpose! It was just as surprising for Izuku as it was for Todoroki! Now what? Should he go back and apologize? Why did Todoroki say that he wanted to kiss him?


Izuku decided his best course of action would be to go to sleep and pretend it never happened.

Right as Izuku was about to doze off on his futon in Todoroki's room, the dual-haired hero himself walked into the bedroom. Izuku kept his eyes closed, feigning sleep. He was feeling too guilty to confront Shoto.

Todoroki's footsteps stopped in front of Izuku, and the poor ex-villain's heart began pumping a mile a minute once more. Darn it, he had just calmed down. Shoto Todoroki really wouldn't give him a break, would he?

Izuku refused to open his eyes, even when he felt the heat of Shoto's breath fan against his face, gently shifting the hairs in Izuku's face.

Todoroki was squatting next to the seemingly sleeping boy who was taking residence in Shoto's room. Shoto was trying to understand this person who had managed to sneak past the boundaries the youngest Todoroki was not even aware he had put up. Izuku had barged into Shoto's life and Detroit smashed the walls surrounding his heart. Todoroki had smiled and laughed more during his time with Izuku than the entirety of his childhood.

Todoroki studied Izuku's face intently, searching for something that could reveal the secrets of whatever spell the boy with forest green eyes has cast. His face was extremely peaceful, although it seemed slightly red, from what Shoto could see in the dim light the moon offered through the window. Hmm... it appeared Izuku blushed even in his sleep. His face was littered with freckles, and Todoroki could spy a few more on Izuku's shoulders. The shirt Izuku had put on had previously belonged to Todoroki, which meant that the collar was a little large and tended to show more skin than shirts were generally supposed to show. Todoroki smiled softly. There were a few faint scars on Izuku's face and collar-bones, but something about these imperfections only served to make Izuku more beautiful.

There was no use denying it. Izuku was beautiful.

Todoroki sighed and brushed a few locks of dyed black hair out of Izuku's face in order to view the smaller teen's face properly.

"I have never met anyone quite like you, Izuku Midoriya," Todoroki mused to himself.

Izuku's face seemed to turn a shade darker, but Todoroki chalked it up to his imagination and stood up. He needed to stop being a creep and go to bed.

Izuku was in fact blushing even harder. Thank goodness Todoroki didn't know that Izuku was awake. That would have been really embarrassing.

Izuku knew that one day he and Todoroki were going to have to talk, but there was no reason why that day had to be right then. Izuku decided to wait a little longer.

We have time to figure this out. Izuku thought. For now, I'll just enjoy what we have.

Dear Reader, Izuku was dreadfully wrong about this. In actuality, they had very little time left.

You see, people were planning things. Bad things. And in order for these plans to work, they would need Izuku.

And of course, who could forget the demons in Izuku's head?

It never left. It was simply sitting and waiting.

Waiting for a time to strike.

And all the while, it was coming up with a plan.

To put it simply Dear Reader, and please pardon my language, everything was about go to shit.


Morning broke and Izuku was awoken by the pale light that hit his face as the sun rose. Todoroki's bed was made - a sign that he had gone to school. Thank goodness. Izuku was still distressed.

With a small groan, Izuku tossed the blankets off of him and crawled off of the warm futon that had been his home for the past... how long had it even been anyways?

The cold tile floor chilled Izuku's feet as he padded into the kitchen, where the calendar was. It was starting to get colder outside, he noted tiredly. A quick glance at the date on the calendar confirmed Izuku's suspicions about the weather and shocked him into alertness.

October?! That can't be right!

School had started in March, and Izuku remembered being abducted sometime around near the end of May... but if that was right, and if Izuku remembered correctly, he had been terrorizing Japan for over three months, and living with Todoroki for two.

That was a really long time to be crashing at someone else's home. Why hadn't Todoroki said anything? Surely Izuku should have been expected to leave by now. How long were they expecting to keep this charade up? Someone was definitely going to discover them eventually... Todoroki would be in a lot of trouble if he were to be found harboring the most wanted villain in Japan. They might even take away his hero license! That couldn't happen.

Izuku walked back into Todoroki's room and pulled out the All-Might journal he had bought a while back. It was nearly halfway full. The cover of the book, decorated as a smiling All-Might, managed to make the troubled teenager crack a smile. It was kind of funny, looking at his old mentor like this, after training under him for so long. Now he was a real person to Izuku, not just some otherworldly god that always seemed to have the power to save anyone and everyone.

Inside that book are pages upon pages of writing that Izuku had written in the dead of night, a sleeping Todoroki snoring quietly nearby. They described what Izuku was able to remember from his time as an assassin: Izuku's pain, his guilt, memories of the looks on the faces of the people he had harmed, stories of the scars he had gained during grueling "training" regimens, and the punishments he had to go through when he refused to do what he was told. But there were also happy things in the journal, too. There were details about how Todoroki had refused to just leave Izuku suffering, about the time Izuku spent with his mother, the funny stories about the people he helped and the kids he babysat. The journal is full of Izuku's emotions and secrets. It is basically what remained of Izuku's heart. If there was a single thing that Izuku treasured most in the world, it would most likely be that book.

Izuku ripped a page out and began to write.


When he was done, Izuku packed what little he owned into a backpack and walked out of the Todoroki household.

Izuku could not depend on other people to cover for him and his own problems any longer.

He refused to endanger the people he cared about. 

He looked down at the buzz that registered on his awful burner phone.

It was a text from the twin's mom.

Do u mnd watchng the kids 2nite?

Izuku responded.

No problem! 👍

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