Chapter Nineteen

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The next day began with Todoroki making a delicious meal of Zaru Soba. It was a strange food to eat for breakfast, but Izuku wasn't about to judge. He still wasn't able to eat much do to his shrunken stomach, but it was delicious all the same. He planned to ask Todoroki to make it again once he was able to eat more.

Midoriya was distracted by his thoughts when suddenly, his new and extremely cheap phone buzzed.

Hello! Inko here again! I realized I forgot to ask what time you could make it. Does 11:00 A.M. work? ❤️

Midoriya's reply was almost instant.

I can make it at 11:00. See you then

"Who are you texting?"

Izuku startled. He had completely forgotten that he had been having breakfast with Todoroki. Not that I would blame Izuku. Todoroki could be invisible sometimes, according to my sources.

"Oh, um, well..."

Todoroki stood patiently, waiting for Izuku's reply. Todoroki was well aware that sometimes Midoriya had trouble talking about things that were personal, but Todoroki was a patient person. He could wait.

"Um... my mom?" Midoriya spoke hesitantly. He was worried about how Todoroki would react. Izuku knew that he was doing something incredibly risky. By deciding to be somewhat social while he was supposed to be hiding, not only was Midoriya putting himself in danger, but Todoroki and any other person he had contact with. It was only natural for Todoroki to be angry.

Slowly, Todoroki nodded his head. "Okay. Is she well?"

Izuku was dumbstruck. Todoroki didn't mind? Why wasn't he angry? Midoriya was literally putting Todoroki in mortal danger just so the villain could see his mother. Should he even think about how his mom thought he was someone else?

"You- You're not mad?"

Now Todoroki was confused.

"Mad? Why would I be mad?"

Izuku shook his head in disbelief. "I am taking advantage of your hospitality and making you an easier target. Why would you not be mad?"

The two boys stared at each other in a moment of tense and somewhat awkward silence. Each of them were extremely confused.

Todoroki was the first to break the silence.

"I know how much you care about people, Midoriya. Your mother is an extremely important part of your life, and for you not to check on her would be absurd. Honestly, I had been expecting it. I haven't had a mother in my life for very long, but in the times I have spent with her have been some of my happiest. I can only expect it is like that for you as well."

Izuku beamed.

"You know what, Todoroki? I think you have more emotions than you let on."

Todoroki was confused again.

"I-... What?"

"Nevermind." Midoriya laughed. "Actually, I need to head off. I'm supposed to be at my mom's by eleven."

"Okay. Good luck. Please don't get kidnapped, that would be unfortunate. I have too much food leftover."

"I'll try my hardest!"

And with those final parting words, Midoriya went to get changed into his outfit from his previous visit. Then, he went off into the world. 

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