Chapter 38

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Dear Reader, I think it's time I give you a little bit of background information.

Hisashi Midoriya was a normal child with normal parents from a normal home. He wasn't born with an aura of evil and he never showed signs of wrongness as he grew up. He was, like every other child, normal.

He went to elementary school, made friends, and pretty soon his own quirk showed up. He could breathe fire. It was not a particularly powerful quirk, but it was a useful one nonetheless. Hisashi went through middle school and became fascinated by the idea of becoming a hero. Eventually, that fascination grew into an obsession.

He met Inko in high school. She busied herself with acing her business courses while Hisashi struggled with his hero coursework. He did not go to a prestigious school such as UA or Shiketsu. Instead, he had to settle with being accepted into a lesser-known school. He graduated with average grades and married Inko that same year. He loved her at one point, I think.

Months after their marriage, Inko and Hisashi were on their way to becoming parents. Normally this would be thrilling news. They were going to have a child! Yet Hisashi couldn't be overly excited. He applied to every hero agency he could think of. He didn't receive a single acceptance letter. He had no way to support his family and more importantly, no way to achieve his lifelong obsession.

Hisashi was approached by a doctor for a business deal. He accepted.

He broke the news to his wife that he was moving overseas. Inko was distraught, obviously, but Hisashi told her there was simply nothing to be done. The family needed money and this was the only way to provide it.

Inko never heard from Hisashi again. Occasionally there would be mysterious transactions to her bank account but, other than that, she was forced to raise their child on her own.

Izuku finds himself in his childhood bedroom. His hero posters covered the walls, his action figures lined his shelves, and his desk remained littered with comics and UA homework. It was just as he'd left it.

Except for the person sitting on Izuku's bed.

Izuku recognized him instantly, even though he hadn't seen that photograph in what felt like years but was probably only a few months.

It was Suzu. Mr. Sato's dead son.

Suzu sat on the bed, his eyes empty. "Why are you in here?" His voice was almost a whisper.

"I need help," Izuku said.

"With what?"

"UA is under attack and everyone is dying. I need to do something."

Suzu scoffed. "The only thing you could do at this point is to just give up. You couldn't save anyone. Just stop trying."

Izuku stared at the person sitting on his bed. He was barely eighteen and yet his eyes were full of grief that Izuku found he could understand. "It doesn't matter that I failed. It doesn't matter that I failed more times than I can count and it doesn't matter that I can't do anything right. I know I'm a failure but my friends shouldn't have to suffer for my failures so I am going to continue to try even if it kills me." Izuku realized that for the first time in a long time, he believed what he was saying. This was the calmest he had ever been in the face of failure. He felt at peace.

Suzu said nothing, but he did lift his head to look Izuku in the eyes.

"So?" Izuku asked. "What can I do? You're here in my mind for some reason. You must know."

The boy on the bed hesitated.


"Shit, you're stubborn," he remarked, "how did your mom put up with you?"

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