Chapter 32

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Aww, look at the confused little villain playing hero! So c̸͈͉͎̣̈́ụ̵̭͓̹̩̎̈́͋̔̄͐̿̂t̶͍͙̻̏̿̊͂̃̓̍̎e̶̲͈̠̹͓͚̝̮̎͌͆̒͐̄̔̿̚. Don't worry, you'll understand your place sooner or later. Society doesn't have room for people like us. But you go ahead and keep playing pretend.

Just give it time. You'll understand your true nature.


Someone was crying. It was not a great sound to wake up to. Then again, it could have been worse. Someone could have been screaming. Midoriya figured that would have been a more unpleasant way to wake up from a medically induced haze.

Speaking of which... Why was he even in the hospital?

The last time he had been there had certainly been a while ago... Villains are not exactly keen on having their members checked into a government funded building to recuperate for long periods of time. The general rule was to try not to get hurt and hope you don't lose any vital limbs. The boss had no use for someone who couldn't work.

Something about screaming...

Oh right. 

Hina and Yuna! 

Were they okay? What happened to them? He had to go see them! Izuku sat up, doing his best to stave off the mixture of aching and fatigue that threatened to keep him contained to the hospital bed. He had to make sure that the kids were okay. They had to be. They just had to.

The heart monitor nearby began beeping rapidly in distress, but Izuku paid it no mind. The sheets were nearly untangled from the teen's stiff legs when a man in a sterile doctor's coat rushed in.

"Excuse me, young man, please don't do that. Your wounds-" the man said anxiously. 

"Where are they?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Hina and Yuna, where are they? Are they okay?" A feeling of frantic-ness flooded Izuku's mind and the doctor was quick to defuse.

"The kids you came in with are safe and in a much better condition than you are. They were in danger of getting seriously hurt but luckily you got here in just enough time for them to be treated. With time and proper training, they will be desensitized to the impact their quirks cause. You, on the other hand, were in serious danger. Luckily your speed saved you. When you arrived you were suffering from third degree burns and the beginnings of hypothermia."

Izuku was confused. "Then... why do I feel fine? I ache a little but other than that..."

The doctor nodded. "That's where I'm confused. Third degree burns tend to burn the nerves which can dull your sense of pain. It would be normal for you to not feel the pain. However, after a few hours, one of our nurses noticed that you were healing exponentially faster than what is perceived as normal. By the tenth hour here, you looked like the injuries happened to you a little under a week ago." The doctor hesitated, scratching the back of his head nervously. "Do you have some unregistered healing quirk? The people in the waiting room said you had strength enhancement."

"Not that I know of." The young teen scrunched his nose subconsciously as he thought. "Wait..." Here is where everything the doctor said began to sink in. You must forgive our Izuku, Dear Reader, he had just been hospitalized. "Did you say 'by the tenth hour'? How long have I been here? Who's in the waiting room?"

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