Chapter Nine

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Midoriya managed to take the quickest shower he possibly could, which was a struggle considering it was his first shower in an extremely long time and he had wanted to enjoy it. 

As soon as he stepped out of the shower, a mountain of steam poured out of the bath, remnants of the hot water Midoriya had to leave behind. Not that he noticed it. As soon as he stepped out of the shower he was running around Todoroki's house, putting on clothes and packing everything he might need to survive in a suitcase he stole from Endeavor's closet.

Since Midoriya didn't exactly own any of his own stuff, he was pretty much stealing a bunch of food and clothes from the Todoroki household, but since the alternative was the death of the one guy who even bothered with him, Deku was willing to steal. It's not like that was ever the worst thing he's done anyways.

Eventually after a few minutes, Midoriya found everything he would need to survive in the streets until he could find some way to support himself. Then he shoved everything haphazardly into the suitcase and proceeded to make his escape.

However, before his plan could take shape, he felt the sudden need to throw up. 

Deku rushed back into the bathroom, keeping his eyes tightly screwed shut, wincing in disgust at the bile rising from his stomach. It was bitter and acidic, a taste Midoriya never really enjoyed. He heaved with pain, the foul taste run in through his mouth. Eventually, a pretty significant amount of time later, Midoriya's stomach was empty. 

He was breathing heavily, the occasional dry heave forcing itself from his stomach.

Of course, he thought, I shouldn't have eaten so much food. My stomach shrank after so long without much food. I cannot stomach as much food as I used to.

 Deku stood up, exiting the bathroom once again. He walked to the middle of Todoroki's room, picking up the suitcase he dropped in the floor when he ran into the bathroom. It was time for him to leave. Midoriya walked out of the room.

Where he ran straight into Todoroki.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki asked, tilting his head to the side. In his hands were large bags stuffed full of groceries he had bought while he was out.

"O-oh, Todoroki, hi, um... how are you?" The greenette laughed awkwardly, quickly shoving the bag in his hands behind his back.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, well, y-you know, it's actually a pretty funny story. It all began a few months ago, when I was walking home from school, way before any o-of this h-h-happened, you see, I was taking a shortcut through the park when suddenly I ran into a squirrel! Now,  normally I would leave it alone but this particular squirrel looked really cute so I decided to take a picture of it. But when I leaned over to get a better shot, my backpack fell off! Then the squirrel ran away!" As Midoriya continued to ramble about how he chased a squirrel  into the street, Todoroki simply stared at him in confusion.

Eventually, Midoriya realized his diversion tactic wasn't working.

"Look,"  Midoriya stopped to take a deep breathe, "I'm leaving. Thank you for your hospitality, but I am afraid that if I stay any longer then you will be in grave danger. I can't have that on my conscious."

Todoroki frowned, "What? You can't leave. You are in no condition whatsoever to be walking out of that door and take care of yourself in the streets. That is not a suitable environment for you to heal in."

"I can take care of myself, Todoroki. I don't need other people's sympathy. I've been fine on my own."

Todoroki sensing that this might go into a direction nobody needed right now, (Reader, I am implying a fight.) changed his tactics.

"Fine." He sighed heavily. "I will let you leave, but only after I deem you suitably healthy. Until then, just relax. You need it."

Midoriya scowled. He was trying to save Todoroki from death, why couldn't he just let him leave?  The shorter male opened his mouth to argue, but judging from the look that was on Todoroki's face, Deku wasn't going to be able to leave without a fight. And he was certainly not in any physical condition worthy of fighting a revered fledgling hero. Midoriya's head was pounding, the result of being knocked out (All Todoroki's fault, by the way) and his stomach was roiling, threatening another attack at any second. Our young villain was also tired. Mentally and physically, he was done. 

"Fine," the young male growled, "But only until I'm healed. Then, I'm leaving."

"So be it." Our hero showing the slightest hint of a smirk.

Mentally, Todoroki was beaming.

Midoriya, on the other hand, figured he could live with Todoroki's cooking for a few days.

Just kill him already.

Deku proceeded to mentally sigh. Thinking about Todoroki's homemade breakfast had made him completely forget about the literal monsters inside his head.

"By the way, would you mind if I asked a few questions?"

Midoriya replied, "Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't ask any sooner."

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