Chapter Thirty-One

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"Thank you so much for coming," Mei, the twins' mother, looked relieved as Izuku stepped through the door. "I was called into work last minute. I didn't want to bother you but I really need the money and-"

Izuku waved his hands in front of his face. "Don't worry, I honestly don't mind. I'm glad you texted me."

Mei's face softened into a slight smile. She sighed with relief. "I'll be gone the whole day. Are you sure you're okay with watching them that long? I don't think I'll be back until midnight."

"It's fine, honest."

"You know, Suzuki, I'm so lucky to have met a kid like you. You're a hero, you know that?" Mei ruffled Izuku's black curls for a few seconds then grabbed her bag. "You know the drill by now. Make sure the twins are in bed by 7:30. They don't need a bath, they had one yesterday. Lunch and dinner are ready for you to reheat in the fridge. Don't let them bully you into giving them sugar."

Izuku saluted, "Yes, ma'am."

"Well, I'm off. See you tonight. KIDS! SUZUKI IS HERE! BE GOOD TO HIM!" Mei opened the door and winked at Izuku. "Good luck." And then she was gone.

From deep in the apartment, Izuku could hear the ominous sound of stampeding of tiny four-year-old footsteps.

Izuku gulped in fear and crouched into a battle-ready position.

He could hear the screams of laughter become louder.

There was a blur of motion.


Hina and Yuna leaped into Izukuz's arms, confident that he would catch them. "Suzuki!" Hina giggled excitedly. Yuna just buried her face into the black-haired teen's neck.

"Hey! Have you been good for your mom?" Izuku spun the girls around before setting them down gently onto the floor. He felt very thankful for his intense strength training. Mei would not appreciate hearing that her kids died because Izuku had dropped them.

Hina nodded violently. Her head was moving so fast Izuku was worried it would fly off. Luckily it did not. "Yes! We have been good. Just like we promised!"

Yuna shook her head from behind her sister. No, she was saying, they had not been good at all.

Izuku laughed and shook his head. He expected as much. "Hmm, I don't know, Hina," he said mischievously, "are you suuure?"

Hina gasped dramatically in astonishment. "I'm always good!" She batted away Izuku's hand as he attempted to ruffle her hair.

Yuna shook her head again. "Nuh-uh," she said.

Hina spun around to confront her sister. "Uh-huh!"




Before the argument got out of hand, Izuku lifted the two girls up and onto his shoulders. They squealed with alarm as he dropped them onto the couch. "Alright, alright, you both have been good. I believe you! Now, what do you two want to do?"

Yuna and Hina untangled themselves and looked at each other eagerly. A smile formed on their faces as they yelled in unison. "Pokémon!"


A few hours later, Izuku was sitting in the middle of the floor covered in glue and colorful pieces of paper. After the twins had watched t.v., Hina was becoming bored so she decided she wanted to make something. This turned into Yuna and Hina having a contest to see who could make the best tiger. Somewhere along the line, the girls decided glueing paper onto Izuku was more fun.

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