Chapter 36

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The villains had a plan. They didn't tell Izuku any details, of course, they were still wary of him. He had stopped resisting instruction a few weeks ago after he lost control of his mind and body every time he tried to refuse. At least this way he wasn't constantly limping around, and he was able to keep whatever was in his head from hurting people. Also, Izuku figured, they were more willing to feed him information and let him help brainstorm.

So Izuku decided to play along.  

He smiled when they spoke to him. He nodded along, added to the conversation, and laughed whenever they made unsavory jokes. The man in the shadows seemed pleased whenever he caught Izuku playing along, but he gave no indication of trusting him. However, the lower ranked heroes adored him.

It turned out Izuku could really fit in with the villains if he tried, and it disgusted him. He disgusted himself. 

It took weeks of collecting scraps of information and cajoling secrets and gossip from various sources before Izuku was able to come up with a semblance of an idea for what was going on.

They planned to invade UA.

They planned to invade UA and destroy it. 

They talked about how, with Izuku's power, this would truly be the end of heroes. This would crush the hopes of every person across the globe. They laughed about how nobody would be able to save anyone anymore. It would become a world that was kill or be killed only.

Izuku was furious, and he was scared. He knew what his powers were capable of, and he could never forgive himself for the crimes he had committed. He had felt the raw power within him that was vying to escape everytime they made him fight. It was only a matter of time before they attacked UA, and Izuku wasn't sure how much longer he could keep himself contained. He only had so much power over his own body now.

The villains asked him what he thought.

It took everything in him to muster up a smile.


Everyone in class 1-A was worried for Todoroki. He was changing, and they weren't sure that it was for the better.

He closed himself off again, just like he had when he had first come to UA. He didn't talk more than necessary, he sat by himself during lunch and breaks, and he seemed to have lost all regard for his safety.

"Have you lost your mind?" Aizawa genuinely didnt even know. "If you had been in a real fight, those villains would have killed you! You do not go in without backup, Todoroki, you know this."

The teen said nothing. He wasn't even looking at Aizawa, it was as though he was simply staring through him.


His gaze focused.

"What's gotten into you? You can't be a hero like this."

Todoroki shrugged and walked off.

What's the point in fighting if you aren't putting your life on the line? It's not like he could save anyone, anyways.

He began visiting Recovery Girl more often. She was sad everytime she saw him. His eyes were just so empty, and she couldn't fix that no matter how hard she tried.

It was a big deal when Todoroki started smiling again, so they definitely noticed when he stopped. His cat, Soba, could definitely make him soften his demeanor for a while, but then he would remember how he got her and his feelings became complicated once again.

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