Chapter 34

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"Yes, Shoto?"

The heterochromatic teenager turned to Izuku, who sat on the sofa next to him. "Why did you get out of the hospital so quickly? Those injuries should have kept you in there for weeks."

Izuku rubbed the back of his head. He was almost as confused as Todoroki was. "I... don't really know. The doctor said it looked like I had a healing quirk of some kind, but I've not really noticed anything like that." Izuku lied. There were small things that he had noticed, but never put much thought into. Small cuts and minor injuries healing pretty much instantly. Izuku just figured he healed quickly and that was it. Apparently, there was more to it. Maybe it was connected to the incident from years ago... but if it was, Izuku couldn't risk saying anything. Not to Todoroki. He didn't need to know about what was going on inside Izuku's mind.

"If you say so. I trust you. But you really should look into it."

"Yeah, okay." Izuku felt sick.

The weather gradually shifted into winter, the branches of the cherry blossom trees now standing bare. People began to add on extra layers of clothing, some breaking out their gloves and knitted caps.

November passed, and December began, people becoming more frantic in their search for gifts as the days steadily headed towards Christmas. Todoroki was released from school for winter break, and Izuku found himself overjoyed to be able to spend more time with the fledgling hero.

"Izuku, please give it back." Todoroki sighed dramatically and held his hand out.

"Never!" The mischievous green-eyed boy cackled, darting away from his poor victim's outstretched hand. "It's now mine forever!"

A single eyebrow belonging to Todoroki drew up in surprise. "What do you want with that for the rest of eternity? I didn't think you were a fan of pop."

"I'm not, but you are and I'm trying to annoy you. You will never get it back!"

"I know where you live," Todoroki deadpanned.

Izuku stopped his little dance around the room. "That's a fair point." His grin was sheepish. "Speaking of living here, I'm hungry. It's proper etiquette to feed your guests, right?"

Todoroki hummed thoughtfully. "Maybe."

"Shotooooooo! I'm huuuungry!"

"Then make your own food."

"You banned me from the kitchen!"

"That's unfortunate."

The young hero made katsudon for lunch. It was delicious.

Christmas was a casual affair. The two teens spent most of the day lazing around watching various Christmas movies, being somewhat festive. It was simple, but neither of them, minded. They were just happy to spend time with each other.


The two teenagers sat on the couch, watching whatever Christmas themed movie had appeared on the screen, sitting unnaturally close to each other.

"Hmm?" Todoroki hummed. His breath disturbed the nest of curls near his face ever so slightly. Todoroki could practically smell his shampoo, the same kind Izuku had been using.

"Why aren't you at UA? Don't they normally have a Christmas party or some kind of celebration? Wouldn't you want to hang out with them?" The green-eyed boy turned to look at the taller boy sitting by him.

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