chapter 1

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hy everyone . This my third story on shivika .I hope you all like it

This story continues after pinky accident .where shivaay vow to take revenge on anika .


Maa I promise I will make anika pay for all the deeds she done .she has seen my attitude,my ego ,my care and my love but now she have face shivaay Singh oberio hate. i swear on you mom I will break her just like she break our family .I will destroy her .

Shivaay : " Khaana , did find Anika location. it's been a 3days , I need find where she is "

Khaana : " yes sir mam is in Pune "

Shivaay : " tell mr Roy to contact me and also make arrangement for us to go to Pune ".

IN Pune

Anika is staying with chanda on her house after leaving Mumbai .after coming to Pune sahil fall sick so anika took him to the doctor after checking him doctor informed her that sahil needs to do operation to his leg immediately but for that anika need to pay 5 lakhs .she don't know what to do . Her deep thoughts are broken by the door knock .she open the door only to find the shock of her life .Shivaay Singh oberio is standing on her door step with two lawyers.

Before she could speak anything shivaay spoke to her in his sso voice .

Shivaay :" miss trevedi I am her for sahil custody ". He said in cold voice

Hearing this anika look confused towards shivaay but soon her confusion turn into shock by seeing the legal papers that lawyers show her .in which it clearly written that sahil custody now belongs to Mr shivaay Singh oberio . Anika look at Shivaay in shock and hurtful expression but he look just cold as statue .Tears started flowing from her eyes ,on seeing her tears shivaay heart break but he being sso who only cares about his family just smirk at her and said in cold voice " just don't waste your all tears now itself anika. you have to use them so much in future. just wait and watch how I am going to break you .your going to regret for ever crossing me .

Anika : " you don't have to work hard for that , because you already break me .first your family snatch my family from me and now you snatch my brother from me .I hate you shivaay "

OK guys .how is this chapter. Please comment and vote .your comments encourage me to keep writting .silent readers please vote and comment

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