chapter 7

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Pinky and shakthi are shocked by shivaay decision but even though anika is very much hurt ,some what she felt relief. After all that's what she wanted that's why she asked to doctor for abortion. She know shivaay will always choose his family but she had little hope may be he will choose her and their child .god who is she kidding she knew shivaay is always a great wall for his family that's why she gave him a choice to choose knowing very well that at the end she is going to win .she too know when it comes to her, he is fragile that why she demanded a abortion to doctor that too in fornt him and his family. If shivaay think she is going to really abort her child then he is fool .she didn't forget how shivaay snatched her brother custody but now she snatched his child from him .for his one mistake he is going to pay for his life long .she was still in her thoughts that she didn't notice her dear mother in law cum mother entre into the room .

Pinky: "anika beta ,are you okay "

Anika :"ha , ma i am fine and i hope your not hurt by my condition"

Pinky : " no , beta .i understand and i am not hurt . Shivaay deserve this but please be strong "

" choti maa you're forgetting whose bhabhi she is ".pirnku said entering the room with ranveer.

Anika : "thank you prinku for helping me and ranveer i don't even know what to say and i am sorry i thought to attempt suicide but thank god i didn't have a chance to do it  otherwise my baby could have been dead "

Pinky : "i can't believe ,you really thought of attempting sucide what if you really eat that sleeping pills  .thank god nothing like that happen and  prinku  too called me saying you are unconscious"

Anika :"but maa what's going to happen tomorrow. I already post the sucide letter before  i went to buy sleeping tablets and maa i really thought of eating that sleeping tablets only but before that happen some goons come and killed the cab driver and chased me but now i am afraid of shivaay reaction "

Prinku : "nothing will happen bhabhi ;and even if anything happens it will scare shivaay bhia only .he is already scared about your threat and after receiving the letter tomorrow .he will be more scared and he will do as per your Condition and will stay away from you and my niece or nephew "

All went to their room for sleep

Its a pleasant morning but not in oberio mansion.

Shivaay is  arguing to anika regarding his rights towards their baby and begging another chance to rectify his mistake .after hearing no from her agaib and again ,in anger he pushed her in to the pool .suddenly he saw the pool color change into red .panic he lifted anika and call the doctor. After few minutes he saw the doctor coming out their room .

Shivaay : "doctor how is my anika and my baby " .

Doc :"i am sorry mr oberio ,your wife had suffered miscarriage ".

Unable to believe what the doctor had said shivaay went inside the room to find anika sitting on the bed with tears falling from her eyes .on senseing him anika said the next words which broken him .

Anika : "its all happened because of you .i hate you , you killed your own child for your family " .
Shivaay : anika i am sorry .i don't know it will cause you a miscarriage .please forgive me ."

On hearing shivaay, pinky come inside

Pinky : "how can you do this shivaay. your not my son .you're a murderer.go away. "

Shakti : "yes shivaay you're a murder go away from here .you killed your own blood .i am ashamed to call you my son "

Dadi : "how can you kill your own child billu ".please go away from her .i can't believe my own grandson is a murderer."

Shivaay : "No i am not a murderer.i did not kill my child " .shivaay shouted getting up from the bed sweating really bad .he look around himself and find he had a nightmare

Shivaay :"no shivaay ,its a dream .just a dream,you didn't kill your child ,your not murder.its just a nightmare ".you did good by giving custody to anika ,she will take care of our child .in this way i can protect my family and our baby too .yes i will stay away from them, if it ment they will be happy and safe without me ".

With heavy heart shivaay try to sleep once again.

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