chapter 8

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Next morning

All the oberios are sitting together in the dinning table having their lunch expect pinky and anika , shivaay eyes is searching for his lady love ,he so badly wanted to ask his family about anika but at the same time his ego is stopping him .Om who saw shivaay rotating his in 360 angel  , decide to help him.

Omkara : gauri did you give bhabhi her breakfast.

Gauri : ha omkara ji ,I went to give breakfast to di but anika di said she feels like eating fruits salad ,so choti maa  asked me bring fruits salad for anika di.

Rudra : why ,what happen anika bhabhi love aloo poori right then why fruits salad .....

Before rudra could finish that sentence janavi spoke.

Janavi: gauri your my bahu ,I don't want you do any work for pinky . especially for anika ,did you forget she asked full custody of child from shivaay .she don't want any of us near her child, so therefore you don't have to do anything for her. pinky or the servants will take care of her .go to your room .

All are shocked by janavi words . Shivaay can't even believe what's happening. his bade maa is not allowing gauri to make a simple fruit salad for anika ,where as omkara and rudra are shocked by their mother behaviour. Their mother can't even allow gauri to make a simple fruit salad for their bhabhi just because she thought anika bhabhi is separating her child from them . For once anika bhabhi take decision for herself without thinking about their family but here their mother causing drift between cause of that reason  .

Gauri immediately left the fruits and went to her room crying followed by bhaviya.

Janavi call the servant and ask her to prepare the fruits for anika.  But before the servant could even touch the bowl he is stopped by two sets of hands . The servant look up to see both Omru standing either side of him . Omkara gesture the servant to leave from there .

Without saying anything both Omru started to cut the fruits. janavi and tej are shocked by their actions where shivaay feel overwhelmed. 

Janavi: " what are you doing om,  when did both you and rudra decide to be servant for her . I can't believe she managed trap you guys too in her spell .tej look our sons have became servant for that girl , who is determined to snatch our family happiness from us. I can't believe my sons going against their mother for that girl "

On hearing that accusations from his bade maa, shivaay left the dinning table in anger but Omru anger reaches its peak,o. throw the nearby plates in the floor in the anger whereas rudra start shouting at janavi.

Rudra: mother ,who is our mother Mrs janavi Singh oberio. And  please don't tell me it's you ,do you even know the meaning of mother , because as far as I remember , you hide behind alcohol to forget the pain of Mr Tej Singh oberio leaving you and having affair with other women. Have you ever realised that your not only a wife but also a mother and your children may need you . Do you know how many days I have cried for you . Do you know when ever i saw a mother feeding their child ,I use  wish you also feed me .do you how many days I and Om long to just talk to you normally. You know what even though shivaay bhia became father figure for us ,we always use to wish for mother's love. You know   what  when me and om got the news that shivaay is going to get married,we are afraid that after marriage our bhabhi will make bhiya forget us .But after bhiya married anika bhabhi, we not only got perfect bhabhi but also a mother to us . Both bhiya and bhabhi has done more for this family and to us , I wonder whether it's possible for us repay them within this birth . As for you asking us to not work for anika bhabhi, let me tell you I am not doing this for my bhabhi,i am doing this for my mother  and  I don't think children working for their mother will make them a servant.

Om : rudra is right anika bhabhi is not only our bhabhi ,she is our mother also .

Rudra finished his speech shocking everyone .even Om is surprised by rudra speech ,he knew  rudra saw anika bhabhi as his mother but he never thought rudra could admit this infornt of everyone. Om realize his brother is no longer immature kid ,he is grown up now .if wanted rudra will stand against shivaay too for anika . All of them hear  foot steps behind them  ,both Omru turn to see anika coming towards them before anyone could say anything anika took both Omru in a hug .

In oberio office.

After leaving dinning hall , Shivaay directly went to his office in anger . His anger is very much visible to all of his employees, which make every one afraid to even near his cabin . Shivaay is working on his laptop ,he heard his door knocking sound . On anger he look up  ready to fire the employee who disturbed him , but all he saw is a postman with a letter and package for him .

Okay that's it for day. If you like please vote and comment .if you don't like please comment ,what you don't like .I already said I am not going to fix target , because I feel like forcing you for votes and comments, so my readers please don't disappoint me .And silent readers please comment and vote ,if you like my story

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