chapter 22

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Oberio mansion

The next morning all the members of family are sitting in the dinning table having breakfast, when shivaay came there with some files.

Shivaay:" good morning everyone ,bade papa and papa I want to talk to you both something important. 

Tej : " what is it shivaay, tell us "

Shivaay: "hmm bade papa I am not coming to office for few months, if any important work I will do it from home itself"

All of them look at him in shock but when they saw shivaay looking at anika they understand.

Janavi: what, Shivaay did you realize what are you saying, if you didn't went to office then who will do all the work, you know both tej and shakthi are unwell, who is going to help them"

Shivaay: "bade maa , just because I am taking leave from office does not mean I am abounding my work . I will work from home. You know anika is pregnant and now a days she needed some one to take care of her . She is falling sick more often. "

Janavi:"Shivaay I think you forget, anika is now working again and even if she didn't work also, you can't take care of her. Did you forget the contract, because according to it you should stay away from your child"

Shivaay look at janavi in shock, he can't believe his bade maa is doing this but none less he replied her .

Shivaay:  "I remember the contract very well, according to it I should stay away from my child not from anika ,and bade maa I could very much appreciate it if you don't involve between anika and me "

Om and rudra shared a look before both of them stand from their chair.

Rudra : Mrs oberio, I  and Om are ready to join the office . Please let Shivaay bhia have his
Leave. If you really need some one help, let us help you and one more thing don't talk about my anika bhabhi bad , I won't tolerate it"

All the while anika who is sitting there could not believe what is happening. First Shivaay is not going to office because of her then he is standing against his family and at last rudra , her baby devar is saying he is going to Join the office."

Suddenly anika felt guilty for acting and black mailing shivaay in the name of their baby. She knew shivaay read the  letter she wrote to him , when she decide to attempt suicide. Thank fully her cab driver saved her and called her pinky maa who called ranveer and prinku. She decided to tell shivaay the truth about her acting and the reason behind it.

In raizada mansion

Nani after finishing her morning pooja she  went to her room to rest but she saw arnav sitting in her room . When she saw arnav she is shocked. His eyes are blood shot , his hair disheveled and tears marks visible in his face.

Nani:  "arnav what happened beta , is everything alright "

But arnav said nothing instead he show her the letter he found with another file .

Nani took  the letter from his curiously, but when she read it she look at arnav with shock and fear. The secret which she is hiding till now is out. Arnav got to know about his sister, who for the world is now dead. But only she know she is not.
With shaking hands nani moved near arnav but arnav just move out of her reach

Arnav :" read that file too "

Nani just nodded and open the file to read it .

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