chapter 12

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After lot of drama anika has set her event management company  .its been one month since she announced the decision of her working .when ever janavi say anything to her  negatively ,her pinky maa could give janavi double dose for hurting her .

Today is her first event ,so she is   getting ready from early morning 6.30 itself .now time is 8.17 am ,she is  still in her thoughts she didn't notice her room door opening

Pinky :  "anika beta ,how much time are you going to take to get ready ,come on its time for breakfast, look i have prepared alu poori for you with ghee ."

Anika : " okay maa ,keep it there , i will eat after seeing this file" .

Pinky : "i know how you will eat,now come on open your mouth, i will feed you from my hand itself ,in that way you won't be distrubed . Now come on open your mouth i will feed you "

Anika : maa i ...,anika started to protest but seeing pinky stubborn look  anika gave up and open her mouth .

After finish feeding anika  ,pinky gave a glass full of milk ,anika who saw this cringed away ,luckily her dear devars save her by entering the room with a tray .

Rudy :" look bhabhi what we have got chocolate milk shake for you "

Pinky : "oh thank god ,the way anika cringed make me think that ,i going to have hard time in convening her drink this milk "

Rudy : " its okay ,now bhabhi will drink this chocolate milk i have brought ,right bhabhi."
  Saying rudra gave anika the tray .

Pinky : "who made this rudra "

Rudra : "ha ,me only .yes i made it for bhabhi "

Anika after drinking the chocolate milk shake, know its not rudra who made it . Because there is no taste of cocoa in it and instead of chocolate ice cream there is caramel flavor, which anika love . She know shivaay did it for her . Afterall now a days she noticed many changes in house  ,for example all the fruits and vegetables are now daily brought by some one from the farm itself because the fruits and vegetables keept in fridge are not good for health . There is always all flavor of ice cream ; cookies and all types of pastries  in the house  ,which she used to crave now a days . She can still remember her first tantrum two weeks before

Flask back

It was evening time both anika and pinky went for temple and on the way back to home anika was craving for some cookies and cup cakes  ,so they went to bakery before going home .

After going home anika felt hungry but she is too tried  to eat , so decide to eat her snack after taking small nap .but when she went to kitchen after her nap ,she find all her snacks gone

Anika :" khana ji ,where are you ?"

On hearing her shout all the younger oberios with khana come there ,pinky too come there ,hearing her shout .

Khana : "mam did you call me "

Anika : " your name only khana ryt ,then its you only i called. Any i wanted today's evening ctv footage of kitchen "

Khana :" why mam , is something wrong , did anyone do mistake "

Anika : " any mistake , khana they do a big mistake , not big but a very very big mistake " how could they do this to me .how could they steal that from me , i won't leave them "

On hearing steal ,om immediately call shivaay and told him to come home immediately. Thinking something happened shivaay immediately leave his 100 crore deal to return  home.

Anika : "khana ji show me the cctv footage , i won't leave that theif to get away  after stealing from me " she said very angrily

Rudra : "steal ,but what has bee stolen bhabhi "

Anika : " someone stole my  baby  treasure  from me rudra , they stole my baby's cup cake and cookies" anika said then she started crying loudly hugging pinky .

Shivaay who entre the kitchen that time , think something has happened to anika on seeing her crying .

But here rudra is gluping , after all it him and his friend who eaten all the cookies and cake. If only he knew that time that it belonged to his bhabhi and future nephew or niece then  he won't even came near kitchen ,but now he is very much afraid for his life ,seeing his angry bhabhi "

Shivaay :" what happened here"

Anika on seeing shivaay there , ran away crying  , she  lay on her bed thinking  what happened  in kitchen and why she ran from there  , she heard her door knocking but when she opened it ,she found all types of cookies and cup cakes with all favours of ice cream.  She too  her fav red roses bouquet with a note attached to it

Please stop crying and eat this ,  staying hungry is not good and one more thing i know you love ice creams but don't eat all the ice cream now itself ,it's not good for your  health .

                                               ur love

She know  who wrote this .

End of flash back

Anika was still in her thoughts that she didn't her pinky calling.

Pinky : "beta what happens, get ready today is your first event right "

Anika : " ha maa ,i forget today i have to arrange for baby shower function for mrs raizada "

Pinky : raizada, hmm that name seems familiar. Do you know the full name

Anika :" one min maa , i will look at the file , ha here it is khushi singh raizada, her husband is Asr ,Arnav singh raizada ." Three day from now they are first baby shower ."

Pinky : " we got the invitation but  mrs tej oberio will go .okay beta you go to work and don't strain yourselves now your two month pregnant, "

Anika : " i won't. Pinky promise.  Anika said taking another step only to be stopped by shakthi who come there with a kheer  "

Shakti : " here beta have this sweet and go .just one spoon .Saying shakthi feed her "

Anika move to door only to be stopped by pinky again .who put khajal behind her ears to protect her from evil .

After giving smile to shakthi and pinky anika moved again only to stop this time by seeing  a boutique of  orchards . There is a"  Best of luck for your first event ". is written  . She know who did this but not wanting to create scene she put the flower in the nearby vase and moved out but unknown to her shivaay saw everything

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