chapter 18

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After talking with dadi ,anika went out of the room ,needing time some alone for herself. But unknown to both anika and dadi ,omru heard their conversation.

Om : rudra, we have to do something. Shivaay and anika bhabhi suffered so much because of us .its time they started living for themselves.

Rudra : " i agree om , lets began mission shivika ".

After some time every one are sitting in the hall ,when om and rudra come towards them

Rudy : i am feeling, let's go for picnic ,all of us " .

Om: " yea ,that's nice idea "

Tej : "yea it will be nice, after so many days we can all go as a family " .

Pinky : "ha jethaji , it will be nice if all of us go , i will ask the servants to make arrangements. "

Shivaay : " okay you guys go
i am having some work "

Anika : " sorry i can't too come "

Rudra :" bhia you have work everyday, please come with us today .at least for me ,if you love me you have to come " .Rudra said with a frown

Anika : alright, i will come happy, now smile "

Shivaay : "i will too come after all nothing is important to me ,then you and om.

Tej : "okay ,lets make arrangements "

Janavi : "tej did you forget today we have to attend mr verdha's daughter birthday party, its very important "

Tej : "but janavi its just party ,we can all go to picnic together right "

Janavi :" if you don't come, its okay but i am going "

Tej :" alright then you go ,i am not coming ".

After one hour

Shivaay come to hall with omru all set to go

Shivaay : " so shall we go omru , today i am driving " .

Omru winked at each other

Om : "actually shivaay, i want to go with gauri alone , i hope you understand. Now i am married man , i have to take care of my wife right .Afterall now gauri is my first responsibility "

Shivaay felt bad hearing that but he did not show that to any one.

Rudy : even i too wanted to go alone with bhavya . I am grown up man ,i can take care of myself and bhavya. So shivaay, why don't you come in another car or with dadi .

On hearing it shivaay first time realized that his brothers no longer need him .they all grown up and have their own family expect him.

Tej : " shivaay i am taking maa with me, after so many days later i got the chance to spend time with her ,you can come with pinky and shakthi "

Tej said making shivaay even more feel a bonded. Shivaay know he can't go with his parents as anika will be with ,so decide to go alone in his car .

on parking lot shivaay is going to take his car out ,when saw the side of his passanger side door open and anika entred

Anika : all the cars have let , the car i supposed to go with suddenly smell like Lilly, and that smell make me sick .so pinky maa ,send me here . If i didn't tell rudra i will come to picnic, i won't travel with you ,or atlest i could have used cab but what to do i have no choice. "

Shivaay said nothing, but inside he is
Feeling very happy ,without saying anything he just moved near anika and put her sealt belt .

Before they can go ,shivaay felt tap on his window, it was his mom who come to give anika her bag . Before leaving she instructed shivaay to drive safe.

Razida mansion

Nani : ratna , today i am very happy, our anu is alive. Your daughter is alive ratna . She didn't die in fire accident. I just hope chutki is alive .

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