chapter 5

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All the oberios thoughts are disturbed by a loud clapping sound .

All look at the entrance to see prinku singh oberio clapping  and  her husband ranveer in the entrance ,but what shock them is a unconscious anika in ranveer arms .

on seeing her every one ran towards them and shivaay went to take anika from ranveer arms but stopped by  hand .he looked up at the hand to see its prinku who stopped him .he looked at her to see her glaring at him.

Prinku :  " stay away from my sister mr oberio .i brought her here for pinky maa not for you  infact you better leave from here .i don't even want to see your face .how can you do this to my best friend. Did you forget all the good things she did for this family .go away oberio ,i am ashamed to even call you my brother ,and you oberios you should ashamed call your self human beings. How much you guys are going spoil her life .don't you feel shame to ask forgiveness from her again and again .wow just wow ."

Ran : "prinku lets take her to the
room .i already call the doctor "

Pinky : "what happened to her and why you didn't inform me anything in phone  and how you guys find her.any way you can tell me that after making anika comfortable.

In anika room

Ran : " i and prinku,  hearing pinky aunty wake up decide to come  for a visit . On the way we saw a taxi driver lay near his taxi shot dead and  we heard some girl noise nearby .we went there to see some goons surronding a girl ,when i went to who that girl is ,i was shocked to see it was anika bhabhi. On seeing me they ran away leaving unconscious anika bhabhi there .so i decide to bring her here .

Pinky :"  thank god nothing happened to her .thank you ranveer. "

Anika who is unconscious till now ,woke up hearing pinky voice.

Anika : "what happened. "

On hearing her pinky and shakthi rushed to her side while prinku and ranveer stood beside her .while all omru and shivaay stood beside the door hiding themselves. omru are ashamed to go to anika and shivaay is in guilt and ashamed for his behavior stood  there hiding himself .

The doctor who ranveer called arrived there and checked anika .then ftown ,pinky on seeing ďoctor frown feared and asked the doctor

Pinky : "what happened doctor ,my daughter is alright right "

On hearing pinky ,shivaay who heard this get panicked and  come inside .anika on seeing shivaay get shocked then she look away from him in anger and try to get up from the bed but only to be stopped by the doctor .

Doc : " careful mrs oberio. In this condition you should not strain your self ."

Pinky : "condition, what Condition you are taking about doctor ".

Doc : "mrs oberio is 1 month should take care of her well .she is very week .i will give her some medicines ."

On hearing anika pregnant. Everyone get happy, omru who hear this come running into room and hugged shivaay happily and anika happiness has no bound .she is going to became a mother .her and shivaay love symbol is growing inside her ,suddenly her thoughts went to the two ladies who talked ill about her and then shivaay who himself declared that he married another girl because he found out she is having affair .she too remembered roopa reason for revenge ,it's because the oberios  separated her from her child because its illegitimate child .what if some one point the finger at her child too and said her child illegimate or what if her child becames like veer or shivaay .No that should not happen. it could better if the  her child didn't come to this world  .

On seeing the doctor leave anika spoke the word which broke everyone happiness .

Anika : "doctor i want to have abortion "

Shivaay who is very happy on hearing he is going to became father, became shocked as like others hearing anika .

Shivaay : "anika what the hell are you speaking .how could you think of killing our child "

Anika till now silent get angry on hearing shivaay saying our child get angry

Anika : "our child ,seriously mr oberio.are you sure its your child because from what i heard you accuse me of having affairs .infact thats the reason you got remarried right .then how can you be sure its your child .come on answer me "

Shi : "anika please don't kill me with your words .please forgive me "

On hearing forgive me from shivaay anika became silent .

Shivaay : "anika please .i am sorry .i will do anything for your forgiveness. Please don't abort our baby .don't leave me"

Anika :" you will do anything for my forgiveness right " .on seeing shivaay nod anika continue

Anika : "okay i forgive you and i will keep the baby but on one condition"

Shivaay : "what condition. I will do anything "

Anika : "fine .i want you to give me the full custady of the baby .infact you should stay away from my child not only you but the whole oberios.i don't want you to have any right on my baby  .i don't want my baby to became another shivaay singh oberio,Who can hurt his own wife for his family .only pinky maa ,dadi is allowed near my baby even pirnku and ranveer too and shakthi uncle too but others not .if you are okay with this condition ,i will forgive you .haa one more thing i want you to clear my name which you have spoiled in the media and tell whole world i am pregnant with your baby .i don't want any one to call my child a illegimate child or a wrong child .tell me mr oberio if you are okay with all my condition i will keep this baby or i will kill myself and the baby ,now choice is your mr shivaay singh oberio. Choose carefully .

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