chapter 11

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Hey guys. Thanks for all vojtes and comments. Silent readers ,here after I am not going to care whether you guys vote or not ,I am updating for my regular readers .

In oberio mansion

      The next morning start with the sun rise with its beautiful rays giving warmth and hope to the cold and lost souls. Silently convening the message that "after every darkness there's is  a light to look forward."

Anika who woke up early in the morning look towards the sunlight and smile. She don't know why but today she having a feeling something good is going to happen and she do know what that is . After lot of thinking anika decide to work again , infact she decided to start her own event management company. After spending some time with shivaay yesterday while he was unconscious,clear her both heart and mind . while lying on his chest hearing his heart beat gave her odd peace and comfort. She don't know why but after spending  time with shivaay, she decided to do something for her and her baby, she wanted to take her of her baby needs all by herself , she don't want oberios help or money . She knew because of  her father there is 17 lakhs money on her account but for how long survive on that . after lot of thinking anika decide to open her own event management company with that money ,and she know with her hard work she can take her business to top.

On other side of Om

Shivaay who is sleeping, turn towards his right side to shield himself from sunlight while his hand searched for anika, so that he  can sleep cuddling close to her but when his hand reached open empty spot,he woke up with a start only to remember everything that happened. Knowing he can't go to sleep here after, shivaay got up from the bed and went to do his morning routine. After few minutes,shivaay is preparing his morning coffee ,he heard anika voice from the garden . Shivaay immediately look at the clock only to find its just 6.45 am in the morning . not knowing what she is doing  in the garden this early , shivaay went towards garden only to get surprised. Anika is sitting in the garden doing meditation. Unable to believe the scene in front of him,shivaay pinched himself. After believing what he is seeing is truth only not lie , shivaay went from there not disturbing her .

Every one are having their break fast when anika emerged from the stairs wearing a beautiful blue chudi with files in her one hand and her bag on other hand . On seeing her like that pinky get up from her chair and walk towards anika.

Pinky : anika ,where are you going , did you had your break fast and medicine.

Anika : ha ma ,I had both my break fast and medicine. I am going towards bank to take money from my own account .

On hearing that both shiomru and shakthi look at her . while pinky silently cursed herself for not thinking about anika needs .

Shakthi: do you need anything anika, tell me I will get it for you .don't forgot Anika your our daughter not bahu.

Pinky: " ha beta did you need anything, just tell me I will get it for you , like shakthi ji said your our daughter."

On seeing their love anika is over whelmed , while Shivaay has tears in his eyes due to happiness . This is the day he is waiting for when he decided to marry anika second time , is finally here but unfortunately he is not part of it but he knew he deserved it .

Anika : " maa relax ,it's nothing like that. It's just I want to start my event management work again, so I am going to bank to withdraw money from my account which my father has started for me ". Anika said that all in one go waiting for response.

On hearing anika ,janavi stand from her chair and said

Janavi: work , seriously do you want to go for work , shivaay did you hear it , your wife wanted work in this condition. What will the society think of us and what will happen to our family reputation. Shivaay first she snatched your child from you and now she is going to destroy yours and oberios reputation . I should have known , this is how middle class girls are thinking about their self respect they are destroying family reputation. Shivaay let me give you  a advice, I think your better off with out her , just divorce her and marry another girl who is nothing like this anika , a middle class orphan and a road trash who ........ , before janavi could finish that sentence, all of them heard a sound of slap which echoed through out oberio mansion. Janavi right hand immediately went towards her left cheek where pinky had slapped her .yes it's pinky who had slapped janavi Singh oberio.

Pinky:" not a word against my bahu , do you hear it not a word . Already you snatched my son and my dreams from us in the name of society and reputation. I won't allow you to snatch my daughter happiness too. I don't care what the hell the society thinks ,if anika wanted to work then she will . Your no one to say anything on that matter , you already destroy my dreams by not allowing me to work like you .do you remember when I married shakthi ji I wanted to open my own boutique but you stopped me saying all idiotic things like society and family reputation, but one years later you joined in office to help Mr.tej .when I asked you about that you insulted me by saying you finished your studies in abroad and you can spoke fluently in English , where as I am country girl who just finished her 10th std qualification . I could never ever forget those words , that time I am silent but not this time. If anika wanted to work and stand in her own feet then she will .if anyone think of causing any trouble to my daughter then you can see no one worse than me ."

All of them are shocked on hearing pinky ,Omru feel ashamed of their mother,even tej too feel bad and fell guilty where as with shivaay he don't know what to say.

On hearing it janavi turned to shivaay,expecting an answer but all she got is shock

Shivaay: "badi maa ,I respect you but let me tell you one thing , whatever happened between anika and me ,it stay with us ,I don't want anyone to involve in our matter ,even the member is a family , and bade maa if any of the outsiders spoke the words that  you did about my wife, I would have destroy them ,I hope this is the last time I am hearing this words .as far working its her choice, i am not going to involve in this , god knows how much I messed up her life already and how much she sacrificed for me and this family .I don't care what the society says , if working is where her happiness is ,then I am not going stand in that path of it. If anything i am proud of her being a independent women ".

Shivaay said leaving the break fast table . Leaving once again all  the members studded expect Omru  who had smile on their face . Where as anika feel her heart doing flips in happiness.

Okay guys, I hope you all like it . Please vote and comment .

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