chapter 20

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Hy guys

Shivaay and anika both stayed in each other embrace after purring their heart out . Anika felt warmth spread inside her in shivaay embrace. She knew no matter what this is where she belongs,with him . She can imagine her own small family a cute little baby boy with shivaay eyes standing in middle of  their bed  with both her and  Shivaay side hugging him .

Suddenly she find that image disappear replacing both her and their child with Omru. Anika come out of shivaay embrace with jerk, Shivaay look at her with his eye brows raised

Anika: Shivaay ,no this is not going to work out between us. shivaay what if someone come and keep gun in Omru head and demand you to kill your child . You will have no choice other than to kill our child shivaay, so shivaay please think about it, it will be better if we are separated.

Shivaay look at her with hurt ful eyes ,he can't believe what he is hearing, did anika think him really that cheap, first his mother then now anika, why everyone think that he will kill his own child who will be symbol of their love .

Shivaay: "anika I can't believe you think so low of me , I know I always give first importance to Omru but that doesn't mean I will kill my own child anika. If situation like that arise I know both Omru can take care of them they are  grown up who has their own family, I will surely help them but not on the cost of my child. You know anika today only I realize how big both of them are grown up, that they no longer needed their shivaay bhia help or guidance in anything. I know anika I gave  you the custody of our child to you , with all your condition but please anika don't take our child away from my sight,as promised I won't come near her or in front of her but please let her grow in front of me. I will watch her from afar. Please anika ". Shivaay pleaded to her holding both his hand in front of her .

On seeing shivaay like that anika all insecurities left her mind . Shivaay look like a small child to her pleading for his favorite toy. She just took him in her embrace and hugged him while rubbing his back in smoothing manner. Suddenly something strike in anika mind

Anika: " wait you just called our child her ,no way shivaay it's a boy "

Shivaay: "huh , it's going to be a cute princess, and I know it's going to be girl only"

Anika: boy

Shivaay: girl

Both of them started their argument like usual , forgetting their fight,misunderstanding , heart break .

Shivaay :"pannika "

Anika: "don't call me pannika, you bagad billa , I will throw you in water "

Unfortunately their fight is disturbed by rudra phone call

Shivaay: yea rudra , no I didn't kidnapped your bhabhi, yes she is with me only. No rudra I don't think we can come there , anika fall sick on the way , I am going to take her home. One min

Shivaay: here rudra want to talk you .

Anika: "yea rudra I am fine, no shivaay did not do anything.  I am sorry rudra, actually I felt tired, I don't Feel like traveling anymore. Yea I will take care, inform others. Yea bye .

Raizada mansion

Nani: I am sorry Nirmala, I did a mistake. I hope you forgive me because I'm the reason your son died , I am sorry I have no other choice other than to change your baby . Please forgive me .

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