chapter 14

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Anika was shocked with arnav behaviour, she thought arnav would be waiting for her resignation letter but here he surprised her, well if he is asr then she is also Anika. Anika marched towards arnav and stand before him , making arnav surprised.

Arnav : what the

Anika : listen i am not your servant or puppy to do as you say . Got it . You only told me that I am fired and now your acting like you wanted me to work. Can't you decide one thing properly.

On hearing her arnav said the one word he is famous for

Arnav: "what the .....

Anika : "what , you're again saying what the , I think you should keep your name "what the Singh raizada rather than arnav Singh raizada.

Before anyone could say anything they all heard a beautiful giggle, both anika and raizadas look up to find khushi giggling at them . On seeing her giggle arnav forget himself . holding her 7 months belly , khushi slowly walked towards them and stood before both asr and asso. 

Khushi :" see this why I told you to stop saying "what the " but you never listened, now look because of that got another nick name  "Lord governor ". khushi said calling him in her favorite nick name.

Anika look at khushi with wide eyes and open mouth. On seeing her , khushi turn to her .

Khushi: Namastha , I am khushi , what the Singh raizada wife . And you are

Anika : "Anika , just anika .

Khushi: I really like your arrangement, I don't want you to resign, so please can you continue your work, I promise this Lord governor, won't trouble you again, arnavji say sorry to her .

Arnav look at her with puppy dog eyes but all khushi just look at him sternly .

Anjali: khushi is right come on say sorry .she said with a glare , on seeing he not going to win arnav surrendered

Arnav: sorry, please continue your work. After feeling satisfied anika signal her team to work while both Aman and Akash look shocked.

Khushi: " ha Devi matha , akashji , Amanji if you keep your mouth open like this fly will went inside, close it "

Unknown to all two persons who hide behind the pillars are laughing and one person who hide in bush is recording everything.

The two persons

First : wow , today I am feeling so proud of my babahi , I am going to share this in my Facebook, I am going to get so much likes .

Second: shut up , don't forget the work , we are here for . But you know what , I feel like writing a poem now .

The person who hide in bush

Person: wow ," thank God I recorded this . This video is going to awesome, just like the all other videos. "

It was lunch time, so anika decide to wash her hand before going but on the way , she bump into the older women,who could be her dadi age .

Anika : " sorry "

Nani " it's okay putter, my mistake only .

Anika smile and walk forward but Felt a tug , she look to see her bracelet get caught in the older women saree . Nani who to see it help anika but when she saw the bracelet,she is shocked. Tears filled her eyes , she look towards anika and whispered " Nirmala" .but before anika could say anything,she was called by khushi.

Khushi: "hi , did I disturb you .

Anika : "no , did you want to talk anything"

Khushi: " thanks, not only for continuing your work but also for standing against him  , till now nobody has does that , he will always get what he wants but today you did ".

Anika: " what , till now no one has stand against him ,I can't believe it , what about you and your family" .

Khushi: " well I did before marrying him but after marriage, I leave my habit of arguing with him "

Anika : " what , but it's women's right to argue, infact by arguing only I and billuji became close , infact we still argue , I love arguing with that baghad billa. Anika said without realising she is talking about shivaay.

Khushi:   billuji ,who is that . Is he your brother . Wow it must be awesome right ,to have a brother and keep calling them billuji bhia .

Khushi said but here anika was frozen hearing the word billuji bhia . She can't even in her wrost nightmare dream , shivaay her brother , but crazy khushi don't know that

The three persons who are hiding, get shocked listening billuji bhia . But one person suddenly started to smile mischievous.

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