chapter 16

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In oberio mansion

Its night time, everyone are sleeping,
Anika who is sleeping till then got up from her sleep feeling hungry . So she decide to eat something, on the way to kitchen she crossed rikara room and saw their room door open, she thought call om , feeling worried about both him and gauri but stopped hearing voice.

Gauri : "omkara ji ,what are you doing leave me ,what if some one saw " she said seeing her husband is hell bent on lifting her .

Omkara : "i don't care gauri , your are my wife , i have full rights to love you ,and you only wish to be lifted like heroines right ,see i am fulfilling that wish ."

Gauri : "omkara ji, its silly wish .

Om : "i don't care ,its silly wish or not . Your my wife and its my responsibility to fulfill all my princess wish .

Anika till now watch them, hidding behind the pillar , feel tears fulling her eyes on hearing om last sentence. Shivaay too promised her this , he too said he will fullfill all her wish but he did not ,especially now in this time of her life where husband will take care of their wife fulfilling all her cravings and wishes and he is busy in avoiding her . Its because you only asked for it sweetheart, remember how you blackmailed him . He is afraid of your threats and feeling guilty. Her heart remained her , but her mind said " so what if i asked, he only told me na that he love me . If he truly loved me ,he should have try to woo me but no he didn't. I am not going to forgive him ."

Thinking deeply about shivaay, anika walk into the kitchen and open the cubbord for cookies but a small sharp edged plastic container sliced her fingers making the blood flow out and bring anika to the present same time.

Anika : " ahhhh ,shhh ,great just great
Now i have to wash my hand ".         anika muttered going towards tab ,but before that happen she found another hand taking her injured hand in his ,making anika heart skip a beat .she knew that touch, it always send shivers down her spine. Anika raise her head to see shivaay blowing air on her wound, worry clearly written on his face. Without blinking her eyes ,she look at him and noticed he lost weight , he had dark circles around his eyes ,he look tired . On feeling her gaze on him ,shivaay look at her .

Shivaay :" is it paining much . Wait i will go and bring the first aid box" .he said ready to go but stopped by anika .

Anika :  " it's okay ,i am fine it just a small cut .i have gotten bigger wound than this and still i am strong only .this is not going to do anything to me and i don't think you have enough bandages to wrap around all my wounds ".she said

On hearing it shivaay feel ashamed and guilty and he know she is not talking about physical wounds . Not wanting to stress her by remaining her old incidents, he divert the topic .

Shivaay :" what are you doing in the kitchen, do you need anything ."

At first anika thought to not reply him but then she remembered how chanda husband pampered Chand and how asr pampered mrs asr . She too want that , to be pampered by him .even though her pinky ma and shakthi pampered her ,she missed shivaay pampering ,so today she not going to give in to her ego .

Anika : " i am hungry, i feel like eating something less spicy .well infact i fell like eating pasta, so i came to kitchen to get it ." Anika told knowing shivaay will surely make her pasta

Shivaay : " alright, if you don't mind can i make it for you ."

Anika : "hmm "

On hearing her reply, shivaay immediately started preparing all the things and started cooking. Even though how hard he tried to mask his happiness, he can't stop a grin escaping ,spreading on his face . Why should he stop it ,for the first time anika ask him to prepare something for both her and their child . Even though he had cooked for her and try to fulfill her cravings, this is the first time he is doing it directly in front of her .he is always afraid whenever he prepared something for her ,thinking she won't eat it if she know he prepared it ,so he always gave those dishes through some one to give to her .

After cooking the dish shivaay took a sample of pasta for taste it before giving it to her .

Shivaay :" here ,its nice .now you can eat it ,he said to her giving the plate to her but anika frowned at him ,which he find it cute "

Shivaay : " what happened" he asked but all anika did is show him ,her hand and signal him to feed her .

First shivaay is suprised by her behavior, then understand she is having her mood swings, he read about. Not that he is complaining, after all he got a chance to pamper her .

Shivaay took a spoon pasta and blow it before taking it towards her lips only to be stopped by her .

Anika : " i want to have it in the garden ,not here .come to garden " she commanded him before moving towards the garden . Shivaay chuckled seeing her , how he missed her bossy side .if any one can order him in the midnight 2.30 to feed them pasta that too in the garden it can only be her .knowing he is not going to have any sleep he took the pasta plate and followed her .

In the garden he find anika sitting on the swing with cute pount on her face .he raised his eyebrows and went towards her .

Anika : " thank god, you come now come on swing me ,i want to have pasta while swinging ."

Shivaay : "what ,anika do you know what time it is "

Anika :" i know ,but i don't care .now come on sit beside me ,my feet is not touching the ground, so only you can help me "

Shivaay did as anika told him .Afterall what choice did he have . But he is so happy ,he got to spend some time with her .god knows how much he missed her . Shivaay felt her head laying on his shoulder, so he look towards her ,only to find her asleep. She had small piece of pasta in her lips ,so  without disturbing her he removed it only to hear " bhagad billa "from her .he smiled softly at her before he too went to sleep.

The next morning sun rays fall on anika ,waking her from her sleep ,she try to get up ,only to find shivaay arms around her . Anika saw a ray of hair falling from his forehead near his eyes . Slowly she moved her hand near his forehead only to stop mid way .even though she wanted to forget, she can't forget shivaay insulting her . She removed his hands from her waist and went inside the mansion moving fastly towards her room .once she reached her she close the door and turn towards bed only to find dadi sitting one the bed .

Anika : dadi you , when did you come , how are you .she asked hugging her .

Dadi :"i am fine, i came yesterday puttur . Infact i want to come home ,when i heard the news that i am going to became great are you both are you happy . She said smiling at anika.

Anika : "we are fine, yes i am happy.pinky ma and shakthi dad pampered me a lot and they take care of me well. omru and both gauri bhavya always make sure i am happy and comfortable .

Dadi : "and shivaay, is he taking good care of you "

Anika lower head to dadi that question ,on seeing it dadi understand

Dadi : "anika ,i want you to tell something, its about shivaay "

Anika : " forgive me dadi, there is nothing to talk about him "

Dadi : there is anika ,infact there is many things to talk about him .he may have luxurious but he is not happy .not now ,not in childhood too. Infact he stopped being child when he turned 6 years . He had sacrificed many things in his childhood. Anika i want you to know why he is like this .you know anika ,shivaay never ever have anything in his life for himself even in the childhood itself.

Anika : " dadi tell me about his childhood "

Okay guys ,i hope you like it .Silent readers please vote and comment. Because of you guys only ,i set target . I feel like i am forcing my loyal readers ,so today no target. I want to see how much votes and comments, i am going to receive without target.

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