chapter 4

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Anika is  on walking the road totally in daze ,the words shivaay spoke is continously haunting her. She still can't believe he steped so low to take revenge from her for the mistake she didn't do .if anyone should take revenge it should be her not him

Two ladies who saw the live news saw anika  , spoke loudly with digust

First lady : "isn't she the same girl who we saw in tv ,haa what is her name "

Second : "yes its shivaay singh oberio ex wife , do you know he found out that she is having affairs and immediately married another girl"

First lady : "hurry not only that her only brother who is the only realtion she has   disowned her "

Second :"its good that her parents died early ,otherwise who knows how much ashame they have to because of her ."

First lady : " you know , look at her she is still walking in this road as if nothing happened, these girls are spolling our society.

On hearing it anika felt like dying

.suddenly a thought crossed her mind 'what she is going to do here after ,she has no one ,she became orphan again ,for whom she is going to live ,infact sucide seems best way for anika . Still deep in her thoughts anika did not notice the rain drops which fall on her. Due to sudden fall of rain ,anika hair fall on her face ,blocking her path  of view .she use her right hand to move her hair that's when she notice her bangle and engagement ring given to her by shivaay. She remembered shivaay saying the value of bangle itself  10 crores and the  diamond in engagement ring, she is wearing is very rare and special even that ring value itself 2 cores. She remembered shivaay accusing her a gold digger and characterless girl .he even said he married pooja because he found her having affairs. For the first time anika fell really cheap of her for giving her self to him , For taking their relationship next level. She always love that he give importance to his family and choose his family above anything but now she hate him for that ,because of his so called family  she is punished for no mistake of hers .she decided before going end her life ,she is going to give his things back to him atlest that way she can die with some diginity .

Anika saw a cap coming towards her way and she stop it .

Cap driver : where you want to go mam

Anika : medical store

In oberio mansion.

Shakti immediately called shivaay after pinky woke up and informed him to come to om immediately.

Shivaay  with omru came there

Shivaay : "what happened papa ,is everything okay .tell me .

"Shivaay " he heard is mother voice calling .he turned to see his mother pinky singh oberio standing behind him .without thinking anything shivaay hugged his mother who is later joined by his brother omru .

pinky looked at him and omru then at  gauri and bhavya but her eyes and her heart searched for her daughter who she accepted only few days back .on not finding her pinky turn to shivaay and omru and asked

Pinky : "shivaay, where is my daughter anika "

On hearing anika name omru look at shivaay in anger then they say everything to pinky .on hearing what shivaay did pinky look at him in shock then anger and finally in digust.

Pinky : "shivaay i can't believe you did this .i thought you love anika and trust her but today you prove me wrong .i know you value your family more than anything but do you really think that anika can do that .is this is your love .you know what shivaay i used to think that anika don't deserve you but you know what today i realize its you who don't deserve her .i am ashamed of myself to call you my son .

Unable to hear his mother words and anger shivaay spoke

Shivaay : "mom you don't know what she did ,because of her papa and bade papa went to jail and your accident happen .she did not trust me .she broke my love .she is a cheat.... his next sentence is broken by a slap he received from pinky .

Pinky :" don't you dare speak another word wrong about my daughter ,if you i will forget your my son .you accused my daughter for giving proofs to police na then what you did, you married another girl infornt of her eyes .have you ever thought shivaay what she must be feeling ,no you did not your busy in collecting proofs from roopa ,you know what shivaay if you tell us and anika truth from beining itself none of this could have happened. Infact i am sure anika will come up with a such a wonderful plan to defeat roopa but what you did you hide from her and as for her trusting you ,she did and thats why she did not give the proof to police .

On hearing it all look at pinky in shock where shivaay already went numb

Pinky :" yes anika did not give the proof to police ,its roopa .infact because of roopa my accident happened."

All are shocked by this new revaluation and ashamed of themselves for thinking of their anika wrong .

And shivaay all he is thinking is the wrong things he done to her .how he destroyed her .how he talked about her .he don't know what to do now .he his even ready to fall at her feet to ask forgiveness but the question is will she forgive him .after what happened today he know he had killed her soul and the last person she wanted to see will be him .

All their thoughts are disturbed by a loud clapping sound.

thank you for all the votes and comments .please comment and vote its encourage me to writing. I hope  you all like this chapter.

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