chapter 13

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Hey guys.

Anika entered the raizada mansion and awestruck by its beauty. She saw man in his early thirties standing with a file . Thinking he must be asr anika went towards him .

Anika : hy sir I am anika ,owner of AVT event management company. You called us for arranging baby shower function.

That man : oh yea , I remember I am Aman mathur . Asr p.a and brother in law. You can start your work, if you need anything call me.

Anika  team members are drawing a rangoli , when a man entered the house , wearing suit and talking to someone in his mobile, without looking down he stepped on the rangoli  not only spoiling it but some how  spilling the colors in drawers hands and dress .and went inside. Anika who saw this got very angry .

Anika : hey you mister , can't you see and walk . Look because of you our beautiful rangoli has been spoiled , say sorry to the designers .

That man and every one who know him are shocked by anika boldness because no one not even his family has talked to him like that.

That man : "what the, do you know who I am . your asking me, the great Asr to ask sorry. Here how much money do you want for spoiling the rangoli and their dress ."
He said taking the check book out and throwing a blank check at her

Anika who saw this became furious and went near colours and mix all the rangoli color they used . Then add water to it . Aman who saw this immediately open his video on the phone . After all he know who she is and how she make the great shivaay Singh oberio a puppet to her tunes . Suddenly Aman mathur feel sorry for his boss and brother in law, the great Asr is going get the taste of his own medicine.
After mixing the water with colors anika came and take check, then came and stood in front of Asr. On seeing her action all her curious expect Aman . Before arnav could even open the mouth ..... Splash. Anika has thrown that color water on him .

Anika : "here the blank check, use this to buy new suit " . She said then did her signature hair move

If anybody were shocked before then nothing could have prepared them for this. Anjali Singh mathur hand cupped her mouth . Mami who with her heavy make up is also looking pale. Akash Singh raizada look like he could fall unconscious any time and his wife payal also the same case , poor girl got the biggest shock of her life and Mrs asr , khushi Singh raizada who come out of her room hearing arnav shout  thinking her husband is scaring a poor soul who will be lamb to  his king size lion attitude got shock . Because for the first time the great Asr look like puppy , confused khushi look at the opposite side and saw a woman who look like a lionesses waiting to pounce.

Arnav was in shock , uncertain,lost and what not. For the first time some outsiders in his one house poured color water him .on great Asr.

Aman mathur who heard the story of great sso and asso , always dreamed of seeing someone  or his khushi bhabhi doing the same thing to asr but today his dream has come true . He always have doubt  how SSO fall in love a middle class girl but now seeing anika ,he understand .if she can break one ego then she can also surely break the wall around their heart . On seeing asr still lost Aman asked.

Aman : Asr are you okay

Asr : .....ha ...what ..yea I am okay . After getting his sense back ,he turned to anika

Asr : "hey you , can you throw that colors water on me , I am going....... "

Anika: "you going to what, ha tell me , your going to do what. Do you want me use this also on you " anika said showing a orange juice her devars have prepared and gave to her for drinking in intervals."

On seeing orange juice and hearing anika threats,arnav without knowing took two steps back and turned to Aman.

Asr : Aman immediately find another Event management company, and you are fired I don't need your company work  arnav said turned to anika .

Anika: "you don't need to fire me , I am resigning and ending contact. With 10 min ,I will email you my resignation and end of contract papers." Saying anika went away to prepare  papers for ending contract.

Now this another shock for asr and raizada family. When asr fired ,they will beg him and plead him for another chance but this girl ,is saying she will end contract for herself.

Asr turned to Aman for asking to find information about this girl but Aman beat him .

Aman : she is ASSO .

Anjali : "Asso means what Amanji "

Aman: Asso means Anika Shivaay Singh oberio . Oberio family elder daughter in law and pinky -shakthi oberio bahu . The one woman who can make the great shivaay Singh oberio bend. She is both his strength and weakness. Shivaay  love her so much .

Arnav :  now I understand how shivaay is getting the best business man award  for the past three years .

Akash: "how bhia "

Arnav :  "hurra , Akash if he can handle her and lover her at the same time then handling business is like a small insect to him , I guess she foundation to that great wall ".

Mami :" hello hi bye bye , if khushi and payal are like that , then you also win award right "

Arnav and Akash:  "what , no "

Akash: "ma I know you don't like payal but ma please don't wish like this, then your poor son  won't able to handle will end up in becameing saint"

Arnav: "me too Mami , already handling khushi itself big task,especially now but if she too became like Asso then I will surely end in asylum."

Arnav: "Aman make sure ,the contract remain. I really like to know what Mrs SSO capable of , but for that I need her to work her " .

Aman:  "Asr your playing with fire , don't do anything stupid, she is nothing like khushi bhabhi , and if shivaay or oberios came to know something happened to her. they won't think twice to destroy us .

Arnav: don't worry Aman,i am not going to take revenge for throwing water on me . Infact if I had a daughter . I want my daughter to be like anika  . I heard this is their first contract after opening event management company and I don't want her to think that her contract itself a failure.

Anika come there with papers but before she can give .

Arnav  : I am sorry , continue your work. Nice arrangements . He said leaving that place .

Okay guys I hope you like it .


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Arshi fans "happy 7th anniversary".I am dedicating this chapter to all the ipkknd fans

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