chapter 23

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Raizada mansion

Nani with shaking hands open the file, only to sign in relief.

The file says anika and her sister died after her father death . But nani who know the truth sigh in relief

Nani turned to look at arnav who is still sitting as a stone

Nani: " choti this not true, your sister is alive, infact I saw her in khushi betiya baby shower

Arnav :" what, dadi are you sure. Maybe your mistaken"

Nani: "no I am sure, I can easily identified her too"

On hearing nani , arnav call securities to bring CCTV footage of khushi baby shower. Unfortunately anika is not in baby shower, she left before that.

Nani: "no , no one there is anu betiya"

Before arnav could say anything Aman come there with pen drive in his hand and a big smile can be seen on his face.

Aman: I hear from securities you asked khushi bhabhi baby shower video. So I brought this video also and nani you should really need to watch this video. It's the 9th wonder of the world. Aman joked and insert the pen drive, not knowing what is happening .

Before arnav could say anything the video started and the next second nani gasped . On hearing nani gasp arnav look at the video to see anika throwing water on him . His stupid asr mind think that nani is shocked seeing anika pouring water on him .

Arnav:"dadi , it's okay. I know what are you thinking , how come that girl can throw water on your chote but nani it's okay leave it nani , I forgive her "

On hearing arnav answer nani look at him and started chuckling. making both arnav and Aman confused .

Nani:"hurry chote you should forgive her only , even if she throw cow dung on you . After all she has right on you to play pranks and throw tantrums on you .

Nani said with a smile while nodding her head at arnav.
But Aman who heard this conversation totally misunderstood it .

Aman: "asr , how can you do this . I thought you love khushi bhabhi but know your going to cheat her . Asr I know you lost your deal to shivaay Singh oberio and he is your rival but how can you think of marrying his wife. I can't believe asr you decide to marry anika Singh oberio for revenge. Asr don't you know she is married and let me tell you it's very dangerous. Shivaay Singh oberio love his wife very much and he can do anything for her , and not to say Mr SSO brothers also love their bhabhi very much, if they came to know what you are up to , they will destroy us . Asr oberio family treat her like a princess they are very protective of her , if they come to know your thinking of marrying their daughter in law, god have mercy on us , they will destroy us asr . Please drop this idea . Aman said making arnav glare at him .

Not giving arnav any chance to speak or  say anything they all heard another gaps this time from outside from the room . All of them turned to see both khushi and anjali standing there with shocked face . While tears started running down khushi face .on seeing it arnav went towards her both move away.

Khushi:" I know arnav ji , I am fat and ugly, that why you decided to have affair right. It's okay I understand, I will give you divorce. You can marry her if you want, she look beautiful and smart " khushi said going from there , before arnav could say anything anjali started speaking

Anjali:"chee choti I never thought you could be like this. Don't Come near me Come Amanji let's go from here , "

Anjali said taking Aman from their,while Aman try avoid arnav gaze "if looks could kill , he could dead now " he silently thank God for sending anjali correct time.

Arnav don't know what just happened, all are thinking he is having affair with his sister and khushi his crazy wife is saying she is going to divorce him. He felt like plugging his hair out and shouting.

Nani :"choti are you OK"

Arnav:"dadi ,why the hell womens in my life, is hell bent on making me mad , it's like they all are in one side that is sent asr to asylum by making him crazy . Nani I really don't know what sin I committed that God is punishing me this way "
(Like he don't know)
he said before going to his room to Pacify his life line khushi. ( Arshi fans I hope you all like it )

Oberio mansion

After shivaay Announcement anika decide to talk to shivaay but she never got time . One thing or another thing come disturbing them . Determine to talk to him she went towards him , who is in the hall working on his laptop. Before she could talk him . Both shivaay and anika heard "shivaay ji" . Both anika and shivaay look at the source of voice to find pooja standing in the entrance with bags in her hand. Anika look at Shivaay in anger while he look confused at the sudden arrival of the problem named pooja

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