chapter 25

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Anika look towards the entrance  see pooja standing there with bag on her hand .

Anika : "pooja what are you doing her "

Pooja :" i am here for my husband after all i am Shivaay singh oberio wife "

Another lady entered with a bag

Lady : "if your his wife then , who i am . Afterall he married me when he suffered from memory loss ,i am his wife ."

Anika :tanya ,you

Pooja :"no i am his wife , Shivaay tell her i am your wife "

Tanya : "no i am "

While both of them arruged who is Shivaay wife , anika glared at shivaay making him gulp .

After few seconds

Tia entred the oberio manison with malika

Tia :" if your his wife then i am his first fiance . I have right on shivaay too "

Mallika :"escuse me if your his first fiance then i am his first girlfriend "

Tia went towards Shivaay and hugged him

Tia :" Shivaay baby i missed you, even the universe know it "

Rudra :"bhia your trapped , what are you going to do ,it could be nice if the nagini also is here "

Shivaay:" shut up Rudra, since anika is angry with me and all my exes want me , i think it could be better if i went sanyas "

Aniomru :"what "

Shivaay :" yea anika  , sanyas seem great idea . Take care of yourself and our baby . Look this way your contract also fulfilled"

Anika :"no Shivaay wait ,SHIVAAY........

Anika woke up with a scream , only to realise its a dream .she feel some one smoothing hands on her head , she turn to find pinky

Pinky :"anika are you alright "

Anika :"shivaay ,sanyas,   contact no no ,  maa i have to go "

Janavi : " but anika where "

Anika :" to my room , after all i am Shivaay singh oberio wife . No matter what happened he have to cope up with me and our child"

Shivaay was sleeping in his room when he heard the noise of some one opening the door . Before he could panic his Anika sensors started working so he pretend to sleep .

Anika who saw shivaay sleeping decided to wake him but in her way . She pouring a glass of water on him , making him drenched .

Shivaay : " anika what is this "

Anika :" a punishment for pretending to sleep , Shivaay i am sorry please don't go sanyas  . And that day i lied to you infact i just black mail you with baby . I could never ever would do abortion . Please forgive for acting , don't go sanyas or marry any one '

Anika crying while shivaay comfort her .

Shivaay :"anika i know your acting . Infact no mother can kill their own child ,there is nothing to forgive ,and i am not going to marry anyone neither going sanyas "

Anika : "pinky promise"

Shivaay :" pinky promise , what ever happen we will face together okay "

Anika :" okay "

💐💐 Few months later "💐💐

Oberio is decorated beautifully , happiness filled in every corner of oberio mansion , why it won't be after all today is their bahu baby shower . Anika looked like a princess sitting in the swing , waiting for her bhia and bhabhi to start the function. After knowing truth about anika identify, Arnav told everything to shivaay who helped him to reunite with his sister .

Anika : "if bhia come late today, i am going to throw water on him "

Arnav :" what the , its not my fault . Its all because of  your bhabhi only "

Anika :" don't lie , i know my bhabhi . Now come on let start the function i am feeling hungry'

Shivaay :" your always huggry only '

Anika : " what , maa look at him"

Dadi : okay enough lets start the function

Rudra : "one min dadi , lets us take one selfie before that "

Shivaay : one for all

Omru : all for one

Anika look at gauri and bhaviya before saying

Ani guri bhya : " மனசு சொல்லும் oberio "

  They all had a family pic
        The end

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