chapter 6

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Hey guys.

all are shocked by anika condition .shivaay don't even know how to react .she is asking him to stay away from his baby if he want her and baby to live or else she will abort the baby .he know he did wrong with her but this punishment is too much .how can he live without their baby but at the same time shivaay know how stubborn anika is .he decide to try one last time

Shivaay :"anika i know i did wrong with you ,and i am ready to take any punishment but not this please don't separate me from you and our child .please anika i love both of you so much shivaay sobbed .

On seeing shivaay like this pinky heart ached but she know he deserve this .

Anika knew he loved her and always ready to do anything for her but at the same time if it comes to his oberio family or her ,he will always choose his family over her. She don't want her child to have the same fate as her. but at the same time being a orphan herself she know how much a family is important .when bua told her about shivaay betrayal, all she wanted is her father .for first time anika wish ,if her father was there then he won't let her to go through this pain alone .he will be there to comfort her and will make everything right .  But can shivaay be good father off course her heart said. But is it possible for him to choose his child over his family off course not her mind said

Anika : "fine shivaay i won't separate you from your child but for that you have to leave your family and oberio mansion ".
On hearing this from anika everyone are shocked and sad expect shakthi and pinky .pinky always wanted her son to live for himself and that's finally going to happen because of a anika .she knew even though anika is angry on shivaay ,she will forgive him later or at least she will take care him .but janavi and tej are afraid,they know without shivaay ,they will fall in danger and business will also fall .they may loose everything.

Where as Omru are shattered as well the fear they have that their bhabhi will separate their bhia from them is finally happening .

On hearing anika  statement .shivaay shattered more .he know he can't leave oberio mansion  and his brothers especially now with threats above their head at the same time he can't loose anika and his child. He find himself in helpless situation. So once again he decide became great wall shivaay Singh oberio for his family.  anika and your child isn't your family too  shivaay heart asked him.

Shivaay: okay anika I agree with your choice . you can have full custody of our child .I will ask the lawyer to prepare custody papers for you .as you ask I will tell the media truth and also announce the arrival of our child . I and the members  of my family you want  will stay away from you and our child. don't do anything reckless.

I hope you all like this  chapter. please vote and comment.

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