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25 years later

In oberoi manison

A big room is shown where a man of early fifty is getting ready . A woman of late forty is sitting on the dressing table getting ready .

A man : "did you call anush . Today is maha arthi he needed to be there "

A woman :" shivaay relax he will come and did you call your princess "

Shivaay :" anika you know right my princess is just like me . She is perfect in everything "

Anika " so is my son . Now come on lets go"

In maha arthi

All the members of oberio is in temple waiting for the maha arthi to start , when mrs malhotra spoke

Mrs malhotra : i heard this time the next genration of oberios is going to perform maha arthi . What you think they will be united as their fathers or will they go in separate ways

Mrs mathur : "i don't know "

A black Car is shown coming towards the temple followed by red and white color car .

Three man wearing suit smiliar towards their car color step out of their car and come towards the place where maha arthi is held . Every one look at them in awe and wonder . Every women there are drooling at the three handsome man . A man with blue orbs took a step forward he is anush singh oberio our shivaay and anika son then he extend both of his hand , his left hand is occupied by riyan who is 11 months younger to him . Om and gauri son while his right hand is occupied by ruvan who is 2 years younger to him , rudra and bhavya son . Together they held they took the arthi . Once the boys finished their arthi all hear the sound of motorcycle all of turn their heads in the direction of the sound to find three ladies halting their bike and took their helmet . All are awed by their beauty . The three ladies took steps towards the arthi like anush the girl with blue grey orbs took a step forward then extend her both hand , her right hand is occupied by tanisha , abhay singh and tanya singh oberoi daughter while her left hand is occupied by ravina prinka and ranveer daughter . Together they took arthi just like their bothers while looking at both of their childrens both shivika , rikara priveer and ruvaya felt pride rush in them like their lives their children will also may face obstacles but they know with the support of each other they will over come it . They all just pray that their children find their ishqbaaz soon . After all its going to a new beginning of life for them in life with their love

Anika :" billuji i have to say something to you "

Shivaay : " what , are you going to complain me to your brother asr "

Anika :" i forgive you . You turn my all tears of pain into tears of happiness , you gave me the life and family which i always dream to have . Thank you shivaay for giving me a lovely family and also because of you only i find tanya is my sister chutki and also reuniting me with my own family the raizada. Thank you so much . I love you "

Shivaay :" love you too anika "

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