chapter 10

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Hey guys.

In oberio mansion.

Omru with aniriya are watching the movie. Khana is near them too to help with anything they want . Its past 9.30 pm but shivaay didn't not come .khana kept glancing at the watch ,anika who silently watch this decide to ask him .

Anika : what happened khana, you keep watching the watch .is something wrong.

Khana : mam it's past 9 .30 but shivaay sir didn't come. If sir had any work or meeting he will call me but the last time i spoke to sir its was before lunch mam .

Omru who listen to this answer khana

Rudra : "actually khana i forget ,bhia informed me that he will be late because he has to finish some urgent work ."

Om look at rudra shockingly but when he saw anika watching them ,he understood.

Anika : "okay guys lets go to sleep. I am tired .
Once anika is out of the sight ,om turned to rudra and ask him why did he lie ."

Rudra : " i lie because I know bhia ,he will probably be busy in his work and i don't want bhabhi to get worried. I know bhabhi says she hate him but i knew there is still love in her heart for bhia some where deep .
Om on hearing rudra replay just smile ,because all know anika still love shivaay, no matter how much she try to hide ,there is still love in her heart for shivaay.

After one hour ,Khana who is royal servent of shivaay decide to check on his shivaay sir .he know his sir verywell ,if there is a work he could have informed him .

Khana reached shivaay office only to find it empty . So he went to shivaay cabin expected to see his sir there but no one was there . Thinking shivaay left the cabin ,khana decide to return home but only to stop seeing the wetness in the floor . He saw the water leaking through the washroom door . Immediately without thinking khana broke inside the door only to find shivaay laying unconscious on the floor surrounded by water . He immediately check shivaay pluse and thankfully it was there too .he noticed his sir boby burning like anything. Knowing shivaay will be needing immediate medical attention he carry shivaay towards the car .

In oberio mansion

Anika who went to sleep is feeling restless ,so she decide to take walk on the garden .there are so many thoughts running in her mind .today she received a call from the bank , saying " her father had opened a account on her and chutki name and invested some money on their account every month when he was alive , but today there is 17,00,000 money on her account and 15,00,000 on chutki account , the bank wanted to know whether she want to withdrawing that money or not. She too got the phone call from a lawyer saying her father has left some land and house for both her and chutki. Still in her thoughts she didn't notice khana carrying a unconscious shivaay inside the house . After having walk for few more minutes, anika decide to get some sleep . Anika is going toward her room ,when she saw doctor coming out of one of the guest room . Thinking something happens to someone anika rushed inside the room ,only to find shivaay unconscious on the bed and saline attached to his left hand . On noticing anika look ,khana decide to explain the situation.

Khana : " i found shivaay sir unconscious in the office ,surrounded by water . When i checked him ,he is burning up ,so decided to call doctor to check him .

Anika who saw shivaay like that feel like crying hugging him tight but she composed herself and walk out of the room after giving khana a nod .

On the way she saw the same doctor who she saw before ,even though anika acted like she didn't care ,her traitor heart betrayed her .words flow out of her mouth before she could stop herself .

Anika : " doctor, who is shivaay, is he okay ?"

Doctor : "well he is having high fever and he is very weak thats all , he will be okay in one day .make sure he eats something and take rest ."

After hearing the doctor anika walk into the room and look around it but khana is not there ,infact no one is there . After making sure no one could see her ,anika slowly walked towards shivaay and run a hand through his hair . After few seconds anika slowly kept her head in his chest above his heart and heard his heart beat ,which is like music to her ears .only god knows how much she missed this .after hearing his heart beat for few more minutes anika get up and leave the room but not before kissing his forehead and cheeks. Unknown to anika shivaay is awake the whole time . When anika entre the room first time itself his anika sensor start working ,waking him from his unconscious state but he decide to act as unconscious because he didn't had the strenth to look at her face without feeling guilty. He had finally broken her but in that process he had dig his own grave . For the first time shivaay felt like he want to leave this place ,oberio surname , everything and wanted to live somewhere with anika with their child . He long for a small and happy family with anika and their child ,where he can only be a father and husband not the great wall shivaay singh oberio. Unknown to shivika five pair of eyes watched them ,which belongs to rikara ,ruvaya and khana .

Okay guys i hope you all like it . I am sorry to all of you who commented. I am busy some so i am unable to replay .

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