chapter 19

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Hey guys, sorry for late update , I am unwell that's why I didn't update yesterday.

Both anika and shivaay are traveling together but the tension between them is clearly visible. Unable to tolerate the tension anika switched on the radio

On hearing that song both shivika look at each other while tears are visible in shivaay eyes . seeing shivaay like that anika heart broke so she switched off the radio.

After few minutes of traveling anika suddenly felt uncomfortable and nauseous.

Anika: "shivaay stop the car"

On hearing anika,shivaay stopped the car with jerk and turn towards anika , only to find  her sweating and her hand covering her mouth. Before shivaay could do anything anika opened the door and throw up in side of the road . On seeing anika like that,shivaay is worried he thought of calling the doctor but then he thought to take care of anika first. Taking water bottle he went towards her and rubbed her back and once she is done he gave her water bottle then whipped her face with his hand kerchief, but all that while anika is looking at his face which clearly showed how worried he is.

Anika: " shivaay, I am fine, it's normal nothing to worried, "

But when did our sso listen especially when his lady love is unwell. Without saying anything shivaay lifted anika , making her eyes go wide in shock .

Anika:  "shivaay what if someone saw , what will they think"

Shivaay: " I don't care, what others think, you are sick . You just sit in the car , I am going to call doctor" ,he said making her sit inside

Anika: "shivaay I am fine, it nothing , don't need to call doctor", she said barely, weakness clear on her face. On seeing her like that shivaay heart broke, he felt helpless.

Shivaay: it's not nothing anika , look at  you looking tired  and weak, just take rest I am going call your doctor Mrs sonakshi dev dixit . On hearing the doctor name from Shivaay mouth anika is shocked, she remembered not even mentioning the doctor name to her pinky , nobody  know which doctor she is having appointment with.  Anika again look at Shivaay only to find him talking with doctor in anger . No doubt he is roaring at the doctor.
After few minutes anika felt tap on her shoulder, she opened her eyes and saw shivaay holding a glass of lemon juice and a box of   donuts .

Shivaay: " here drink it, it will make you feel better Then eat this donuts. You will feel well "

Anika: "how did you get these things, there is no shop here "
Anika said taking a slip from lemon juice,shivaay is feeding her .

Shivaay: "I used my sso power"

Anika said nothing she just drink the juice and eat the donuts .

Once making sure anika is okay shivaay started the car not before opening the windows

Anika:"what are you doing your allergic to dust , then why are opening the window"

Shivaay: "doctor told fresh air is good for you . And as far my allergies, nothing will happen to me . Don't worry."

Anika: " shivaay, you are not god to decide that okay . Close the window please, and take care of yourself okay , please atleast for your family, if not for me ."

Shivaay: "anika, why are always killing me with your words , it could be better if you stab me with dagger right in the heart anika " .

On hearing it anika heart pained but then her ego and quest for revenge , come forward in her mind

Anika: "I can't let you die that easily shivaay. You have die each second day by day seeing your child growing in front of you but you unable to hug or kiss him/her  or love him/her . For your family you married that pooja  and then when  bade papa and dad went to jail and your  mother got into accident , you put all the blame on me , how can you shivaay trust a video Shivaay over me and not to forget the insult you throw at me , tell me shivaay did you see me having affair with anyone. Am I bad wife , did you get bored of me , tell me shivaay."
Anika asked him while crying, unable to see her like that ,  shivaay stop the car and take her in his arms .

Shivaay: "who said I am bored of you and your not a good wife ,huh . Your an angel god send for me . Anika I know no matter how many times I said sorry is not going to heal the wounds in your heart that I caused But I want you to know one thing, you always complain right that I choose my family, well this time I didn't, I choose you  but I never roopa could play  double game , if I knew she make plan to make you witnessing the fake marriage, I could have told you all the things first itself. Infact we could have came with a plan ,and as for Insulting you it was never my plan , roopa messaged me that to introduce pooja as my wife and insult you otherwise she will kill maa , that time I didn't have any choice anika and I am angry with you too . Why didn't you trust me anika , why didn't you wait for me . Because of that only I got angry on you ,  I want to take a  revenge but not that way . It just situation anika , if I only you could go to the extent  of attempting suicide, I would have thought some other way .and  for sahil custody i know you could never ever ask help from me  for his treatment that's why I did that , I know none of my explanation could reduce your pain ,  but believe me your the best ever happened to me get it and I will always love you. Don't talk these useless  things again, shivaay said . Once again taking her in hug

Anika felt calm  after hearing him while  Shivaay felt a odd peace after purring his heart to her . Anika knew she can't forgive  him for his actions but thinking  all this happened because of misunderstanding  that they played by a outsiders easily pained her , for the first time anika realized that she is in equal  fault as Shivaay. If only she trusted him and wait for him , many things could have been avoided.  For the first time both felt  a unknown burden lift from them after talking to each other and pouring their heart out . They both know there is long way from them to get back together . Shivaay has to yearn
Her forgiveness and should started to live for himself and as far anika she should learn trust shivaay and should tell him her insecurities . They both know what ever they say or do ,they can't change the fact that they love each other, they are incomplete without each other .

Guys please vote and comment, your comments means lot to me . And thank you for votes and comments for previous chapters . Suggestions are welcome.

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