chapter 21

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After talking to rudra, shivaay decide to turn the car back to oberio mansion but stopped hearing anika

Anika: " see baby , your father cheated us. You know what baby , momma is very excited about this picnic but look you got me sick and I got struck here while other

Shivaay : "hello first of all stop complaining about me to our baby and second we are not going to oberio mansion.

Anika: "then where are you taking me ,wait your not going to kidnap me right"

Shivaay: anika believe me , no one I mean really no one in this world can keep up with you than me and as Tia say "even universe knows it "

Anika: seriously shivaay, just few minutes ago your telling me how important i am to you but now you started thinking of your ex finance. Just great billuji.

Shivaay: just shut up pannika , I thought to surprise you but you ruined it , we are going to our private villa . It's near only so can take rest also

Shivaay and anika return to oberio mansion mid night , they both enjoyed lot . For once they look like a normal couples . Even though anika didn't forgive Shivaay now but she know she will forgive him one day . after all no matter what happened with their love for each other they can heal any wounds and face any problem together.

In the park

After talking to shivika, rudra turn towards his family

Rudra: " well guess what, our plan is success '. On hearing it every one in the family become happy . They all hope one day her tears of pain will change into tears of happiness

In raizada mansion

Every one are resting in their room after khushi baby shower expect arnav , who missed his mother. So with out any one notice he went towards his Mother room . After spending some time there he decided to return to his room but on the way he stumbled and hit a cupboard, which makes all the books fall down.

Arnav:"what the, now I can't even call HP to arrange it , as it is late night."

While arranging arnav notice a paper fall , which look like a birth certificate and a letter attached to it .

The letter

Dear Nirmala

I know you must be confused seeing the birth certificate,even shocked but it's truth .Anu , our anu is not your daughter, she is mine and arvind daughter. Your son died still born , that time I am also admitted in hospital for labor pain . I gave birth to a daughter but unfortunately I can't take her home with me , my mother in law meet a astrologer who informed if I gave birth to a daughter then my family will come to street and my husband will commit suicide. So my mother in law decide to kill the child immediately if it's a daughter. nirmala I had no other choice than exchange your still born with my daughter. Please take care of her , anjali and arnav are enough for me, I won't come to you ever for her . For the world I will be her bua but only I know i am her mother. You know I felt my heart broken whenever arnav and anjali play or take care of anu . I felt like I am doing injustice to my children by separating them but it's needed. I hope one day you forgive me .

Your sister

Arnav don't know what to feel after reading it. He felt cheated, helpless and Angry at himself and his mother. one side he is taking good care of his di but on other side he don't even know how his sister is .

He arnav Singh raizada is going to find his sister, and going to give her the right she deserves and at same time he is praying that his masi forgive his mother.

Arnav: "maa , today I arnav Singh raizada promise you maa , I will find our anu and will give her all the love and support. I will change her tears of pain in to tears of happines.

I like to thank Pjcutee and poetryy_hunter for your wishes. poetryy_hunter thank you for your birthday poem and Pjcutee thanks for update.

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